Are there times when kids have earned the right to be the decision-makers? Take the school shootings: They've protested They've carried their concerns out into the streets. They've gotten behind megaphones and screamed their little hearts out.
They've suggested something needs to be done. Now.
So, let them do it. Let them take the action. Let communities nationwide decide if the students in their schools will make the choices.
Metal detectors? If the students want them, give them to them.
Arming the teachers and staff? Let the students decide.
Armed resource officers? Invite the city police in for regular patrols? Have gun-totting community volunteers take shifts? Involve veterans? Let the students decide most everything about what the schools will do.
Everything except maybe one thing, and I wouldn't let the students go there. I wouldn't let them touch one decison. I don't think we can let them decide whether they, themselves, should carry. No way. Just my thought, and there might be those who disagree, but I don't think it safe to have students pack.
Which makes me reflect. If we can see it would be a major catastrophe if we let 17-year-olds march around in in mass in public with weapons, doesn't that suggest it is also unsafe to have too many adults doing the same? Children grow up, yes, but there are always some who hang on to such tendencies.
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