Have we forgotten the gun? The national debate has certainly died down. The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed, the Constitution says.
And, so I have been writing on how our Constitution should be a living document. Some have feared that if we have a convention of states to change the Constitution to prevent us from going in debt, other changes might creep in.
Such as gun control. Such as erosion of the Second Amendment.
So, I ask, should we change the Second Amendment? Or, is it sacrosanct?
I believe the Constitution was inspired -- but not perfect. I believe we, today, must be inspired. We must be equal to the task of weighing what is wise and what is just. In this, I include consideration of the Second Amendment. I believe we should ask what is wise. Should we have any impositions, any restrictions at all upon guns?
Ask only what is wise. Determine what to do based on what is prudent. Consider the issue. Weigh it. If we determine change is wise, then let change come. If we consider the matter and decide to keep the current language, so be it.
Wisdom once, must be wisdom going forward. If the founders were wise, so must we be. We have the benefit of experience over our predecessors, and it is said, the person who will not learn from experience is a fool.
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