Sunday, December 2, 2018

In Hate-Crimes Legislation, Let Us Legislate against all Forms of Hatred

 We could use a better hate-crimes bill. But, as we come up with a new one, let us make it more inclusive. What are we to say, Hate is only hate when it targets a group? Only if it sets after Jews, or LGBT or immigrants is hatred a harm?
  If we are to enhance penalties against hate crimes, let us include all crimes of hate.  Hate is hate, and harms as much whether it targets a group or just a person. If we find in the person's history a record of hatred against any group of people -- Jews, LGBT, immigrants or anyone -- let us prosecute it as a hate crime. But, let us not leave out hatred that is not specific of a group. If we find a note saying, "I hate you, Josh Washington," let us prosecute that, as well, as a hate crime, even though Josh fails to be in a protected group. 

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