Wednesday, December 5, 2018

It's Okay to Vote for the Color, but not Against it

  When is it wrong to cast a vote based on race, and is doing so to be considered racist?
   I have considered the Mia Love / Ben McAdams race. Did some vote against Mia because she was black, albeit they would never want that reason to be known?
   Think on the election of Barack Obama. There can be no doubt blacks voted for Obama because he was black. Was that wrong?
   I would say it is not wrong to vote for someone because they are of your race. This is akin to supporting your friends and neighbors . . . and church members. (Not the best of reasons for voting for someone, but acceptable.) Think of how many LDS people voted for Mitt Romney because he was LDS.
   So, what of voting against Mia Love because she is black? Why is that, then, wrong -- and maybe even racist?
   When you oppose someone because of their color, it is because you do not like that person because of their color. A touch of hatred is coming through. Racism. If the blacks who voted for Obama did so not because they really wanted Obama, but because they didn't want John McCain (2008) and didn't want Romney (2012) because those two men were white, that would be wrong, even racist.
   Its okay to vote for the color, but not against the color.

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