A nation that does not value its freedoms will lose them. If we have freedom of speech, but do not value it in all portions of our lives, we will lose it in those situations.
Actually, we already have -- We've already lost freedom of speech in one big area of our lives. That we look around, saying, "Where? Where?" only reveals how little we value freedom of speech in that area. If we valued it, we would be able to see we don't have freedom of speech in that place.
The workplace.
And, no one really misses it. No one complains, because it is not a freedom they want, in the first place.
And if they don't want it, that is the same as to say they don't value it.
Can't discuss politics and religion? For most, no loss. And, those who feel this way should be extended the freedom of not having to discuss these two taboo topics.
But, by the same mark, those who do want this freedom should be allowed to enjoy it. Time on the job comprises half a person's waking weekday hours. So, for half of our waking weekday hours, we are without one of the basic freedoms of a free society.
But, we are on someone else's dime, it is argued. We are being paid to work, not to talk about politics and religion.
But, notice this: We can talk about the weekend, about the movie last night and about sports, but we cannot discuss politics and religion.
I can see a work policy that says you should not offend others. I can see a policy that takes away that "freedom of speech." But, I do believe in the right to civilly discuss the news of the day and the issues that are before our country. No, I do not believe that right is the right to take away from your work. I do believe that if your job is such that there is no time for discussion -- whether it be about the game last night or the immigrants at the border -- then, no discussion is no discussion. Politics and religion are out along with movies and sports and how little Ashta is cutting her teeth.
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