Persecution is the domain of those in power. And, so it is, racism is the dominion of those with power.
Think of Germany, and the persecution of the Jews. Without being in power, Hitler could not have murdered six million European Jews. Think of the United States, and of the slavery of the blacks. Without having power over them, the whites could not have enslaved and persecuted the blacks.
And, wonder on this: How so often it is that racism is the result of government; So often, government is the top of racism. It is not always so, but so often, when racism is practiced, it is a government doing the practicing; It is a government doing the discriminating.
On the flip side, how often do a people in subjugation display racism against their rulers? They dare not. I am not a student of such history, but would guess it rare, if at all. When you are so busy defending your own worthiness -- or maybe even being brought to believe you truly are worthless -- you aren't inclined to believe in your own superiority.
Those who are forced to be humble, seldom wear the emblems of pride. An elitist is never a person without power to practice that elitism. So, if you don't have power to practice being a racist, it is hard to be one.
And, so it is, those subjected to racism are in some regards not inclined to be racists, themselves. And, when it does happen, it is often because that person obtains an edge of power, himself. In today's society, minorities sometimes do often have enough power to strike back.
I consider the thought, Power corrupts, and suggest one example of this can be when one race has power over another. I think of an LDS scripture, that says, "It is the nature and disposition of almost all men, as soon as they get a little authority, as they suppose, they will immediately begin to exercise unrighteous dominion."
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