Take decision-making power from the courts, and give it to the police. Train the police to determine what "credible fear" is. If you train them in what you think it should be, you can screen out what the courts might think it is.
The world is revolving on without much eye on this, but what is happening is, in my view, one of the most startling losses of freedom America has ever experienced. The nation's founding principles -- its very foundation -- call for the right to a court trial.
You don't short-circuit that, and let the police decide your fate. And, you especially don't tell the police what to decide. President Trump is wanting to train the border patrol in what their decisions should be.
There are certainly elements of a police state in what is going on. Yet, with all the other news, this is not making much of a bleep.
And, it matters not to many. These are what are called "illegal aliens." They have no rights. They are invaders.
This is the attitude of much of the nation. With this attitude, what is happening will not get much attention.
But, what then if a foreign national were to come to America and allegedly commit a crime? Would we say he had no right to a court trial? Everyone should have that right. Everyone.
But, many Americans cannot see this. They do not believe in the rights of the immigrants. They see their applying for asylum as but seeking to get through a loophole in the law.
Oh, forgive, but our asylum laws are not "loopholes." They are the law. Those who say we are a nation of laws and cry for rule of law should keep them. This would include President Donald Trump. He should not be too big that he should not be required to abide by our laws that let immigrants in through asylum. Just because you don't like a law doesn't mean you break it.
Just because you are president does not give you the right to throw away the court system and take matters into your own hands, and rule against the immigrants, and train your border agents to carry out your will..
I believe I heard President Trump, in his recent rally, say other nations do not have court hearings for immigrants. Why should we, then?
Because we are America. Because we believe in freedom and human rights and courts and justice. Because we believe justice should be decided by the courts, not by a king who is not exactly benevolent toward the immigrants.
I don't know that if you looked through all the history of America, if you would find a situation as severe as this, as far as depriving people of the right to a court trial. Freedom has never been so assaulted, at least not on this front.
Do we say that these immigrants are but getting their just desserts? Many of us will see it as that. How dangerous. When you deprive others of their rights and freedoms, wonder but what yours also someday may fall.
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