We notice a large number of mass murders are committed by the mentally stable. If we would to stop the mentally unstable from committing the murders, we should want to know what is happening in the mentally disturbed's mind that is prompting them to commit these acts.
If you can figure out why something is happening, you increase your odds of stopping it.
Today, I considered on two things. One, the mentally disturbed often see themselves as noteworthy people among all those on earth. A need for fame can fan out from this.
But, it is the other thing about the mentally unstable that I thought on all day. This first one I mention only occurred to me as I sat down to write. Who knows but what this other factor isn't the bigger one.
It is human nature for us -- all of us -- to take possibilities and wonder if they are realities. This tendency is even more pronounced in the unstable. They live in fear. They are, as we would say, people who see shadows and run from them. This is perhaps not all true of all the disturbed, but of many of them.
They assume evil of more people. They see more people as evil.
And, they are quicker to assume someone is doing them wrong, quicker to take offense.
Now, it is the nature of all of us to strike back when we are attacked. Verbally or physically, if someone strikes at us, we strike back.
So, if more of the unstable see themselves as being under attack, there will be more of them striking back. Therefore, more of them will be committing mass murders.
I said there were two things, and I have discussed them, but there is a third. The unstable are less inclined to a guilt complex. They are creating their own realities, and do not need to live with the reality that they are doing anything wrong. Thus, they are quicker to justify murder.
Perhaps a fourth thing about them, is they are harder to turn around once they get started down a path. They sometimes don't repent as easily. They are less inclined to reason. They don't need to. They have their realities and those realities often only stand because they don't stop and think the matter through. There is some of this in the greater part of all people. They get stuck in their beliefs and refuse to consider the truth. In the unstable, this characteristic is is at least as pronounced, if not more.
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