My thought? President Trump's restoring Edward Gallagher to his rank and his status in the Navy Seals is a reflection of how the president is corrupting America. The values you espouse as president, become the values your faithful followers endorse.
If you say the killing was justified, they follow your lead, and also see the killing as justified.
Special Operations Chief Edward Gallagher: He was accused of just pulling out a knife and stabbing an ISIS prisoner. No reason. He just pulled out a knife, walked up, and stabbed the prisoner.
The incident was back in the news this past week, fellow Navy Seals calling him "toxic," and "evil."
Gallagher was found not guilty by a military tribunal in July. Yes, I would wonder if that is a miscarriage of justice. But, he was in the process of being kicked out of the Seals, and his title yanked as the military jury did convict him of posing with the body of the ISIS soldier.
President Trump restored his rank, membership and privileges in the Seals.
The issue brings up the thought of whether we should even allow that there should be such a thing as war crimes. The prisoner was an ISIS soldier. Now, how bad is ISIS? Can there be anything wrong with killing an ISIS prisoner? This is war: You kill the enemy.
No thought there for the sanctity of life. No thought there, that when the soldier has been captured, he no longer is a danger to you. Kill him: He inherently doesn't have the right to live.
And, President Trump? Support our officers. Support the military. Stand behind them. Have their back. Salute them.
Wrong remains wrong, regardless how the world spins it, and you don't salute what Gallagher did. Killing remains a violation of the Ten Commandments. Christianity remains Christianity, and what Gallagher did cannot be justified.
To have a president teaching us otherwise is not good. It erodes our values as a nation.
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