Are the protesters blind? Pro-Palestinian protests are sweeping the nation, now even breaking out here in Salt Lake City at the University of Utah. It is not wrong to protest the deaths of innocent Gazans being inflicted by Israel. It is right for protestors to oppose such things. It is right to stand up for humanitarian aid being allowed to reach the residents of Gaza.
But this is not a one-way street. It is not Israel, alone, that is committing atrocities. Not only did Hamas slaughter people on Oct. 7, not only did it kidnap people, and not only has it continued to attack Israel since, it is hiding behind its citizens, using them as human shields. Somehow can we not see how blatantly horrible that is? It is an atrocity every bit as grave as what Israel is doing. Let us not argue about which is worse, or which side ultimately should be responsible. Both sides are wrong. To protest just one side is to sign on with the atrocities of the other. Are the protesters on the campuses of America blind? Cannot they not see they should be protesting both sides?
Those against the civilian deaths being inflicted by Israel should join hand-in-hand, arm-in-arm with those outraged by the human shield and atrocities of Hamas.
As for the back history, whatever atrocities either side has committed should not serve as reason to escalate the war and hatred. Just because atrocities have been committed should not be used as an excuse for more atrocities. Hatred will never be quelled if hatred is justified. Hamas cannot pretend to innocence. Palestine, as the backers of Hamas, cannot be excused. Wrong is wrong.