Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Kill the Truth and Print the Lies

When you hire the National Enquirer to write false stories
 about your political opponents
Is that ethical?
When the stories are mythical?
Is that just and fair and right?
It leaves a stain upon your character, Mr. Trump
It leaves a blight

When you hire the National Enquirer
 to buy the rights to stories about you
So, it can kill them
Even if they are true

You want to be our president
But you have no shame
You don't know what immoral is
But you're immoral, all the same

You would hire the National Enquirer
To help you get elected
To kill the truth and print the lies
You cheat and lie and steal
You've got the art perfected

But my qualm is with the voters
I do not understand
When you learn what kind of man he is
You still support him
Regardless if he's underhand

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