Sunday, April 7, 2024

Why are Republicans so Dead-Set Against Renewable Energy?

Why are Republicans so against clean renewable energy? comes a question. Climate change is obviously real. Oil and coal are destroying our environment.

My reply:

Not all Republicans are. Here in Utah, though, a large, large share of the people (and especially the state legislature) do not believe in climate change. Laws were enacted that move clean energy to the bottom of the list when picking between fossil fuels and clean energy.
Even if you consider the nation as a whole, I believe the sentiment of a large share of Republicans is that climate change is a hoax, or at least not as serious a problem as many (like me) believe it is. Many also believe that fossil fuels can be part of the solution, with carbon capture and such. Others suggest wind and solar are not practical in all parts of the country (I don’t understand that; the sun seems to be out in every state I’ve visited, and the wind sometimes blows, doesn't it?) Others say, Well, if we have to go green, let’s go nuclear, but they overlook that the new-style nuclear plants are hard to get up and running. Many Republicans also say they are not against green, they are just against the world-is-going-to-end-in-ten-years fearmongering. I am a climate activist, and I don’t know that I’ve heard environmentalists claim the world is going to end in ten years. Conditions will, though, deteriorate if we do not do more than we are doing — and, yes, some of those consequences will be severe

(Index -- Climate change info)

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