Saturday, April 20, 2024

Why Won't You Listen?

There are those who won't listen to me
Won't hear a thing I say
And it does seem a little extreme
To warn that a dictator is surely headed our way

But look at the signs, look at his talk
Look at the scheming he does
Look at how he tried to turn over the last election
Now that should make your head buzz

Look at the warnings from family and past friends
Look at the indictments he faces
Look at how he says he's immune
In every one of his court cases

There are those who won't listen to me
There are those who won't listen to others
We try to tell you there's a real danger
But you think we're in a bed of feathers

Listen to Donald Trump, then
Listen to what he says
Listen to his plans to clean and purge
He's planning a funeral dirge

Listen to the way he would take over the courts
Making them answer to him
The warnings are there right in his words
We will obey his every whim

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