Sunday, December 27, 2015

Don't Just Negotiate Peace, Negotiate Goodwill

   I  like the house editorial in the Deseret News today. The writer takes the Christmastime phrase, "Peace on Earth, goodwill towards men,"and suggests it is goodwill that brings peace on earth.
   That strikes a chord with me. I like it and I agree. And, if it is a true principle, then I wonder why we shouldn't use it more in peace negotiations. I wonder if part of the process shouldn't be to get the two parties to thinking well of each other. Maybe before you even negotiate who will give up what and which party will do what, you get them to saying and meaning nice things about each other.
   It might sound a little much, but how about the old game, where you have to say 10 or so nice things about the other person? I'd say, try it in international negotiations. Pull the Palestinians and the Israelis up to the table, and tell them that before negotiations get under way, first of all there must be an acceptance and new-found love of each other. So, list 10 nice things about the other. If you can't, then negotiations will go no further.
   I'm sure some would ridicule my suggestion, but I'm still thinking it worthy.
   And, in negotiating peace, in addition to asking what it will take for them to quit shooting at each other, ask them what it will take for them to feel good about each other, to like each other, to be friends. Make that a goal of the negotiations.

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