Back up and reconsider this idea, for it really would be a wise move. Our nation is $18.8 trillion in debt and the spending is so pervasive, it goes on underneath our noses without recognition it is even there.
Treat it like the cancer it is. It has spread throughout the body, and threatens our nation. When faced with another cancer, and when faced with the cigarettes that caused it, we posted warning labels on the cigarette packages.
That has done some good.
I see no less reason for posting warning labels on government spending. Every time a company or an entity is using federal money, it should be required to disclose it. We believe in open government, and in transparency, do we? Why then, should we not require this? Why should we not want to see where our tax dollars are being spent?
Government forces food vendors to label their products, by listing the ingredients. Let's require the same of government, with just this one ingredient: government spending. Every time this ingredient is included, it will be announced. Then, we will be aware of just how pervasive federal spending is. My thought is, we will be surprised at how many places we find federal tax dollars being spent.
Call it the Federal Spending Disclosure Act of 2015 -- or, the Open Disclosure of Open Spending Act of 2015.
We have the right to know where our tax dollars are being spent. We have the right to know which programs contain this spending. We have the right to know just how it comes to be that we are $18.8 trillion in debt.
"This program contributes to the national debt." There. There's the warning label.
All a warning label does is pass the responsibility on