It would be good, if every time a company or institution used federal funds, they had to tell us about it. Call it truth in spending. Call it open government and transparency.
No, it would be more than just good. It is something that, in my way of looking at it, definitely and positively ought to happen.
I came to the idea tonight as I thought on Hyperloop Technologies, the company that is looking to conduct test for a futuristic transportation system in which vehicles would speed hundreds of miles an hour.
Why not just race the airplanes to Chicago, right?
Anyway, I got wondering how Hyperloop is making any money. It certainly isn't selling electric cars that travel 335 mph. I don't know that Hyperloop is, but I imagine sometimes these companies receive government grants. They don't need to sell anything to make a living, because the government is footing their bills.
I just think, as a taxpayer, I have a right to know.
I think back the many years to the Great Recession, when someone sold me some insulation for my home, saying it was being subsidized by a utility company or some such. I suspected the money was coming from the federal stimulus money, but the person I was buying from assured me it wasn't. I wonder, the same, wondering if maybe my friend didn't even know it, but, yes, it was government stimulus money.
I have a right to know.
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