We are foolish if we conclude guns are inanimate objects, and therefore cannot entice us to crime.
I think of prescription drugs, also inanimate objects. When the doctor prescribes them, a useful purpose is in mind, just as when a person buys a gun, a good purpose is in mind.
Unfortunately, sometimes the drug gains a hold on the person, leading him to abuse, sometimes even death. It is the same with the gun. You might argue, that there is a difference, that drugs have a chemical effect, and make a physical change in a person. Guns cannot do that. Yes, that is true. Still, the gun, like the drug, can influence us. No, it does does not chemically affect us, I suppose.
Still it sometimes does affect us.
I suppose, the change wrought by the gun comes from our thoughts, as we consider how to use it. There are good uses and bad uses, and as the person goes down the list of options open to him, not always does he choose the good ones. He may never have considered murder before. But, as he considers the options the gun opens to him, and fastens on the wrong uses, he moves a direction he has never been in the past. He sees a real or false injustice, and sees that he can now address it with the gun.
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