Is truth to be divided by whether you are a Democrat or Republican? A great drama is playing out in our country, Christine Blasey Ford asserting she was sexually assaulted by Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh.
But, the subplot might contain the more astounding story. All across our land, people are dividing into two camps: those who believe Dr. Ford and those who believe Judge Kavanaugh. Strangely, those in Ford's camp tend to be Democrats, and those in Kavanaugh's for the large part are Republicans.
Now, tell me how political affiliations has anything to do with whether someone was sexually assaulted. She was either assaulted or she wasn't. Truth cannot be divided by whether someone is Democrat or Republican. It doesn't matter if you as the listener are a Democrat, and therefore believe Ford, or if you as a listener are a Republican and therefore believe Kavanaugh.
Truth is is not reliant on party politics. It and falsehood cannot be separated in such a shallow way. We unveil ourselves as a nation of bigots and fools for trying to divide the truth this way.
We have been shown to be a nation of fools, at least on this matter. Somewhere, a devil is laughing for what he has created.
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