If the problems of this nation are to be solved, they must be solved by the parents. Politicians may solve some problems. Churches might solve some problems. Social workers might solve some problems.
But, a lot of the problems are there because incorrect teaching has occurred, or better teaching needs to be done. Police officers being killed is one of the problems of our day. If people were taught not to attack police, there would be fewer officers killed. Police killing people because they are black? If parents did not pass along bigotry to their children, the children would be more likely to grow up to be police officers who were not bigots. Climate change? Parents pass along the doubt of climate change to their children. If they didn't, the children would grow up and be more likely to heed the warnings and reduce man-made greenhouse gases.
You could go down the list, finding problem after problem where teaching is core to ending the problem. I realize children do not always grow up as they are taught, but parenting remains one of the most influential -- maybe the most influential -- ways of teaching, of persuading, and of molding people into what they become.
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