I do not understand that the FBI is not investigating Christine Blasey Ford's accusation against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh.
Do we just say the charge is false, so, no, we are not going to investigate?
Do we say it happened too long ago, and all the leads are cold, so, no, we are not going to investigate?
Or, is it that we are not going to let someone make political hay? We won't investigate because the charge is clearly political. Instead, let's investigate Blasey Ford and find out if she is a democrat. And, if she is, let's leave it at that.
Or, is it that the FBI already did its background check? Case closed. Too late.
Trump suggested the FBI doesn't want to investigate. What? I wonder if more truthfully, they don't do candidate background checks unless they are asked.
Do we say it boils down to a he said/she said thing, so why bother? In other words, no one can prove anything, so why even investigate?
Do we suggest is was too small a thing? She wasn't actually raped. She got away before real damage was done. Is it too trivial to bother with?
Do we say it doesn't matter? What matters is the record he built in all his years on the court. Judge him on his judicial record, not on juicy rumors.
Or, is it that we've got a deadline? If we stop to investigate, we won't meet our deadline. So don't investigate.
Do you say Blasey Ford doesn't even know where the party was held, so how do you even investigate a party held 36 years ago if you don't even know where the party was held? To that, I would say that if Blasey Ford doesn't remember where the party was, perhaps someone else will. At least check around.
Do we say if he did it, he obviously has repented, for he is such a good man? Since he has repented, forgive him.
Do we suggest there is an investigation? Congress is investigating, and to ask the FBI to look into this would be duplication, double dipping. No need for that.
Do we say that if we don't nominate this guy, the November elections are going to come around, and if the Democrats win, all will be lost? When they are in charge of Congress, they won't be approving Trump's nominees. So, act now while you've got a chance.
I so do not understand. I just do not fathom why those in position to call for an investigation are not doing so. Isn't this the highest court in the land you are vetting for? Whether you say it was so long ago that it doesn't matter -- especially since there haven't been any incidents since -- still, you investigate.
Of course you investigate.
Vetting isn't vetting if you don't vet. And, honesty isn't honesty if you don't seek it. If you don't want this process to be called a sham, investigate.
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