We either look for truth, or we run from it.
Perhaps there are those who relish the truth so much, they even enjoy finding they are wrong, for there is excitement for them in learning, in finding the truth.
Okay, I wonder if such a soul exists. It would be a rarity -- someone who glories so much in learning and in discovering truth, that they get excited in that discovery, even when it means they are wrong.
As I think on it more, perhaps there is an element of such a person in us. But, it is dampened every time we publicly express our opinion. There are two reasons for this: (1) We convince ourselves. There is no opinion that influences us more than does our own. Once an opinion is out of our mouth, we usually do not go back on it. Our way has been set. (2) No one likes being wrong, and they especially do not like others knowing they are wrong. We, too often, see it as a weakness and as reason for embarrassment that we should be wrong. Sometimes, we are even horrified to consider the possibility.
I will tell you this: There is long life in the person who does not worry what others think of him (or her), there is mental stability. The person who allows himself (or herself) to be wrong, is the person who stands above his (or her) own faults, who can conquer them.
The scripture speak of peace. "My peace I give unto you," says the Savior, or words very similar to that. How it is, then, if we are not proud, if we are so humble that we can accept our own faults, that we will be at peace with ourselves.
Peace lies in choosing to accept ourselves, even if we have faults. If you would seek for peace and happiness, you must be willing to accept your shortcomings. To do so, you must be willing to accept the truth about yourself. And, so it is, the person who accepts truth is the person who finds peace.
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