Much has been made of Dianne Feinstein's not releasing the information in a time frame acceptable to the Republicans. What she did was very wrong, they say. Some might even call it nefarious.
Now, stop and think this through. What would have happened if she had came forth, saying, I've learned Kavanaugh assaulted someone back in high school, but I can't reveal who was assaulted or who is telling me this.
As is, Republicans are howling that it is a smear campaign. Imagine how much more they would have been howling if Feinstein had released the information without saying who was making the accusation.
But, could Feinstein have at least turned the information over to the FBI? I wonder. The FBI would have wanted to know who was making the charge, and who had supposedly been assaulted in order to be able to investigate the charge. Even if you did give the FBI the names of others at the party, so investigators did have enough information to mount an investigation, when the investigation came back, it would reveal Dr. Ford. If Ford wanted wanted to remain anonymous, an investigation would obviously dash that.
So, Christine Blasey Ford was left to consider whether she would go public -- and when. To her, the deadline would be that she needed to do it before the Senate Judiciary Committee's hearing. That would be her deadline. That would be the date before which she would need to act.
So, she was prodded into revealing herself when people began to find out who she was. That, too, happened just before the hearing. So, there are two things that make just before the hearing the natural time to go public: One, if you are going to do it, it needs to be done in time so it can be included in the hearing. And, two, at the moment you are going to be exposed, that is a natural time for going public, for you realize your cover has been blown.
Some have suggested whoever leaked the information did a disservice to Ford. If they hadn't leaked the information, Ford would have been saved. She wouldn't have had to come forward. She would have been saved all the trauma she has been put through. Or, are they saying the leak was a bad thing, regardless what it did to Ford? Are they saying the leak was bad because it damaged Kavanaugh, and, therefore, it was evil? At any rate, they think the leak was wrong.
Was it? We don't know if Ford would have come forward without the leak. If this is a matter of such importance that it should be considered before Kavanaugh is seated, don't you want it to come forth?
Perhaps we should consider that whoever leaked the information did justice a favor. You cannot just yell, "Leak! leak! leak! -- that is wrong! You should not be leaking things!" Sometimes leaks are not nefarious things, but, rather, they lead to the truth.
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