Thursday, July 13, 2023

Issues Don't Divide Us So Much as Parties Do

Can we -- do we -- discuss any issue these days without it being attached to how the Democrats are jerks or the Republicans are jerks? It seems we can't discuss anything -- not abortion, immigration, nor gun rights nor the national deficit -- without dividing into two camps. The issue itself ends up not getting addressed so much as is our contempt for the other side. I mean, the definition of  a low lifer is someone who belongs to the other party. Everyone knows that, right? And, on come the slams and slurs, the spit and sleaze.

Hey, this is getting in the way of the issues.

Why can't we just discuss climate change as climate change and book-banning as book-banning without it becoming a struggle between the right and the left? It will reach a point (already did a long time ago) where it doesn't matter if there are points to be made for gun control and points against it. The right will ignore all the points favoring gun control and the left will not acknowledge any points against it. This is not so much about truth and finding the truth as it is about hating each other. It's not about what is fair and just; it's about burying the other side for wearing the wrong party clothes. 

Truth doesn't work that way. It doesn't yield to politics. Truth is big enough to consider the issues without raising playground taunts against the other side. 

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