Do not be afraid to tip your hat to Singapore, a little city-state that once was rife with gun-running and gun violence.
Oh, I would not go so far as bringing in the death penalty for possession of a gun. No, certainly do not tip your hat for that. But there are things the U.S. could do after looking at Singapore. Make possession of guns by felons and others who shouldn't have them a more serious offense. Offer rewards for those who provide information leading to the arrest and conviction of those found possessing guns in violation of the law.
Oh, I didn't say outlaw guns. In America -- where the gun is respected and believed to be a right to keep and bear -- a ban on guns just wouldn't make it. But, do roll out a comprehensive program that includes gun registration, gun licensing, and gun-use training.
Singapore turned its gun situation on its head. America will not be able to do as much. But we can do some.
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