Sunday, July 2, 2023

College Degrees and the Reasons They are So Expensive

Comes a meme: "If your college degree doesn't produce enough value for you to pay it off, it certainly doesn't have enough value for your neighbor to pay it off."

Which brings up a point: Why isn't a college degree as valuable as it once was? Is it because colleges no longer hone in on the things that will make the student successful?  The landscape of jobs has changed and colleges have not adapted to the needs? Or, does a college degree still bring valuable training and certification, but it's just that the price has risen and risen until the skills you pick up in college are not enough to offset the large bill you run up while attaining them?

More important than determining if we should pay off student loans is determining where the system has gone wrong and correcting it. Congress is good at creating investigations to go after political foes. One wonders if they can spend so much time investigating Hillary Clinton and Hunter Biden, why can't they spend some time figuring out what went wrong with our college system.

Congress members investigate each other, but they pass on investigating the issues. They are so busy fighting with each other that they don't have time to solve our problems.

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