Hey, America, why don't you take back your country? You know whose running it, don't you? The Republicans and the Democrats. When's the last time the Republicans said you can believe what you want without being labeled a Rhino? They don't give you the choice of believing what you want; they dictate to you what you should believe. In some states, they even make you sign a pledge to support their stands if you are going to run for office on their party.
Democrats are not much better. You've got to check all the boxes to match the party line or you're a Dino.
Does that sound like freedom to you? Do what the party dictates, take the stands the party demands, say what the party wants you to.
Whose running the ship here? Is it the people, or the party? Government has been turned upside down. Once we insistedd we need for government of the people, by the people, for the people. But that is no longer required. These days, it's government of the party, by the party, for the party.
And, America, you don't seem to mind that.
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