Saturday, July 1, 2023

Utilities Will be Glad to Sell Us More Electricity

    About 290 million cars in the U.S. What if every one of them were an electric? Could we produce enough energy to charge them? Could our grid handle the load?

   After all, that would be 1.25 trillion kWh of additional strain. We currently produce about 4.1 trillion kWh. So it would require a 30 percent increase.

   But, consider this: The advent of electric vehicles is not the first time the grid has had to absorb a new product. When air conditioners arrived on the scene, the need for electricity soared -- and America responded. 

  And, there is no reason to believe the utility companies will not answer the call this time, as well. Energy is their product. The more electricity the public buys, the more money that lines their wallets. If you need more energy, they will be glad to toss up a few more power plants. 

   You might notice the grid is getting old. About 70 percent of it is at least 25 years old. That means that in addition to upping the grid's capacity to handle the additional strain of electric vehicles, much of it could use replacing, period.

   No problem -- except it means your electric bill might suffer an increase.

(Index -- Climate change info)


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