Crazy, Crazy Madmen
The madmen have been given chargeThe nation rests with them
Madmen Inc.
Have you ever seen such crazy men?
One at the top
One at his right
Others scattered throughout
Crazy, crazy madmen
Crazies out and about
Perhaps Just a Cold War
The Man Named Donald
He's always been known as Donald TrumpIt's Coming Home
The new guy running State
That would be Mark Rubio
Has announced an end to foreign aid
He says it's gotta go
We're not here to help
But we'll listen to you yelp
Beg and beg, if you will
But like I said
We're not here to help
Our money's coming home
It's coming home to us
We don't care how much you cry
We don't care how much you fuss
Take it Easy, America
Take it easy, America
Listen to the sand
Listen to the wind
No need for hysteria
Easy, easy, America
Still the nation of the free
Listen to the wind
As it blows through the tree
All things blow away
Tomorrow is not today
Storms will end
And our nation mend
Listen to the wind
Listen to the wind
Real Change Perhaps Yet Down the Road
Some questions will not be answered as Donald Trump ascends to the presidency. We are told he will sign about 200 executive orders, many of which will address the migrant population and energy -- things perhaps a little more achievable than, say, whether he will jail his political opponents and refuse to leave office when his term is up.
In other words, our fear of his becoming a dictator is not likely to be realized in the short future.
Will he seek greater influence over the courts and the Department of Justice? If so, how quickly will that happen?
How quickly will he move on annexing Greenland, Canada, and the Panama Canal?
What will he do to end the Ukrainian War - and when?
When will the tariffs go into effect?
What will a revamped Department of Education look like? Or will it be around at all?
Come Tuesday morning, will we wake up to a changed world? With a host of executive orders anticipated, things will not be the same.
But the real change will probably yet be down the road.
The Edge of America's Future
America is on the edge of its future
A morning and a half away
Make America Great Again
Will greet us on that day
The World of MAGA is excited
But the World of Woke is not
The Wokers are fearful
That the world has just been shot
The Wokers are wise
You can see it in their eyes
They are rightly fearful
Of freedom's demise
The Resistance
When Trump won the electionGreenland awaits us with its Minerals
With global warming comes the melting of ice in Greenland. And with the melting of ice in Greenland, comes the availability of more minerals.
That's right: the mineral resources that have been covered by ice are being exposed. And it is no small haul of minerals that awaits. Isn't it ironic that the fossil industry that is causing so much of the global warming, now stands to benefit from it?
Also, let us not forget President Trump (if I can start calling him president three days ahead of his taking office) is pro-fossil fuels. With him wanting to buy Greenland, it piques our interest. If Greenland remains independent of the U.S., Trump will be obliged to follow his tariff promises.
But if it becomes a territory of the U.S., Trump might be more likely to do business with it minus the tariffs.
"Hello, government. I'm calling about your decision to give those three sisters a year's stay here. You know, the three who were to be deported in a week."
"Yes."What is Peace - Top Ten Definations
1. Peace is but the pause between two wars.Washington Warned Us in the Most Solemn Manner
First Three Letters
He is the first three letters in a lot of words:
He is the first three letters in all of these words:
He's the first three letters in each of the words:
Conspiring, controlling
He's a convict
We know where he'll take us
We all can predict
Donald's a convict
Donald's a con
He as our president
Is certainly wrong
All in the Name of a Flag
In the name of a flagDon't Blame the Gun
Until the Enemy Rots
And the fall begins
The fall of America's press
The right wing will be preserved
But he will destroy the rest
He wants to rule the world, I guessSanity Escapes Him
Sanity escapes an insane man
Reality is never present
He wants to replace income tax with tariffs
And the results will not be pleasant
He argues there was a day
When tariffs were all that we had
And he will tell you we were better off then
Really, Mr. President, can you be so mad?
Poverty was rampant in America then
So, what is he talking about?
In a modern world, tariffs won't pay the bills
Of this, we have no doubt
So, write him off as insane
Our president-elect
He'll ruin our nation
He'll certainly leave it wrecked