These are times when reasoning with each other is needed. The last days -- some say they are -- an age when the issues call for our attention if we care for the world we live in.
So, we discuss things, and disagree. And, along comes a scripture:
"He that hath the spirit of contention is not of me, but is of the devil, who is the father of contention." 3 Nephi 11:29 (In the Book of Mormon, which is scripture to those of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints)
Some would take this scripture as invitation to retreat to separate corners. Why discuss things with those you disagree with when it only foments contention?
I have some thoughts on that. If you are being disagreeable with others as you discuss things -- if you are condemning them, or belittling them, or telling them what idiots they are -- there is the spirit of contention.
Think on those things. Yes, it does seem they are of the devil. Come, let us reason together can do without them.
Some would go to their separate corners, and suppose themselves safe from breaking the rule against contention. Not so. Once they are in their separate corners, if they continue to say nasty things about the other side, the spirit of contention remains. You can say a lot of mean things about a person behind his (or her) back, and it doesn't make it right. A contentious spirit contends, whether it contends with you in person, or just spills its hatred of you among its friends.
Our world needs to discuss its problems. It can discuss them with hatred, and all will be lost. Or, it can learn to love each other, and to discuss things civilly, and hope for humankind will flourish.
well said