Lay down the gloves. Lay down the daggers. Lay down the political spite.
While our nation's focus and attention to the coronavirus would have you think it is our most-pressing need, our most-pressing crisis, I wonder.
The day will come when the coronavirus will pass, but, through it all, the political strife seems only to be growing stronger. When the coronavirus ends, our hatred of each other will remain, boiling and roiling and stronger than ever. It, not the coronavirus might be the greater threat to destroying our nation.
A house divided cannot stand, someone once said. And, I think that was scripture.
If ye are not one, ye are not mine.
I do not know how much these scriptures apply. I do not know that I am right in applying them. But, it seems I am. To me such national bickering is a sin in-and-of itself. Hatred is a sin. If we are are heaping hatred upon each other as we are -- Republicans hating Democrats, and Democrats hating Republicans -- is not that a sin? Hatred is hatred. If you practice it, it is a sin. The way we treat each other has no part in, Love thy neighbor.
If love thy neighbor is a commandment, then does what we are doing not make us a nation of sin? I think of a scripture that speaks of people in ancient scriptural times returning railing-for-railing, and I sense from my reading that it was accounted unto them as a sin. Are we different than they? Is that not what we do -- return railing-for-railing?
America might get through the coronavirus, but I fear for us and this much-worse malady. A nation that runs around saying, Stupid is as stupid does, to each other cannot stand.
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