Today, I come not to bury Bernie Sanders, but to praise him -- at least to a degree. Oh, get me not wrong. I am wary of socialism.
One of the greatest crises in America is our health care. To a degree, what is happening is destroying us. Bankruptcies and personal debt are taking away what we have always referred to as the American way of life.
Destroying us.
Freedom? You are not free if you are so deep in debt you must pay the bill for the rest of your life. So, it is not wrong to say our health-care crisis is robbing us of our freedom.
And, along comes Bernie. He wraps himself in socialism, true. And, that offends much of our nation. But, it goes unnoticed by those who are offended that his solution is a solution. He is solving one of America's greatest problems. Health care would become affordable, paid for.
I also think of Elizabeth Warren, and her plan to deal with bankruptcies. If these bankruptcies have a stranglehold on our freedom -- and they do -- then bless someone who comes along with a solution.
Now, I must back up. Yes, Bernie's plan will save us from our personal debt. It is to be praised for that. Freeing us from debts we cannot avoid -- and from debts that bind us till the day we die -- is a good thing. But, Bernie's plan (from what I know) will not actually reduce the cost of medicine. It will merely shift the burden from people to the government. The people will be freed, but the government, itself, will become more of a debtor.
Oh, and if you are suggesting that Bernie does address this -- that he does have a plan to pay for the care, tell me if it is not taxation. Whether it is the rich or the poor you tax, it remains that you are not solving the problem of the cost, only shifting who pays for it.
Reducing the price of medicine is the only true, complete answer. Bernie has half the answer, but he leaves the other half wanting.
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