Leave the social part of the nation shut down. Leave out the parties, and socials, and gatherings on the beach. Likewise, encourage churches not to hold meetings. Easter Sunday is a day when you will have the largest crowds of all. If large crowds are what we don't want most, why open them on April 12?
Lockdown, if you want to call it that? Let it continue. If there are those who can work at home, let that continue.
But, bring the nation's economy back. Open the doors of business wherever they've been shut. Have the businesses do everything that can be done to make it safe, but open those businesses. Be creative in finding ways that they can be safe while operating, but let them operate. Look at our nation's unemployment claims. In California, alone, more than 1 million claims in less than two weeks. Make this not so much about GDP and stock markets, but about jobs and people's livelihoods. That is your economy.
In other words, open the doors that should be opened, and leave closed those that should be kept shut.
I do not know that this is where President Trump is going. Is he calling for an end of the shelter-in-place? I don't know.
But, I do know that rather than just opening everything up again, it will be better to just open all the businesses, since our economy is at stake.
But, leave the social gatherings and such shuttered.
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