Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Reflections on Proposed Inventions from a Few Days Ag

  Reflections since I proposed three inventions days ago.
  I wrote, "We've got smoke detectors, why not virus detectors? Could a device be created that would sense out the germs in the air, saying they're at seven microbes per square foot, or thirty per square yard?"
  I since read how they have found the coronavirus microbes in the hospital rooms of some patients, but not in those of others. That means such a machine, such a detector, is already in existence.
  I would say, though, it needs to be available -- and priced right -- so businesses and venues and gathering places can afford it. If you can check the air, and know the virus is there, that is huge.
  I also wrote: "How about a disinfectant drop? You would have it up against the ceiling, and you'd clear people out of the room every couple hours, and drop a mist of disinfectant on the room."
  This idea might work. No update on it.
   And, I wrote: "How about something so simple as a series of fans set up, so they took air through one door, into a meeting room, and then down the hallway and out a second door. In the meeting room, there would be floor fans, driving the air up to as soon as you emitted germs with a cough. The air would carry the germs up and away from others, then the series of fans would take the air just underneath the ceiling and out the door and on."
  This idea could backfire. If the fans pushed the air through halls filled with people, passed their noses and mouths, it would merely circulate any microbes right into unaware victims. This idea would only work if the fans carried the air high and up and away from everyone.
    Then, I wrote: "Or, maybe skip the door-to-door escapade, and just have blowers in the floor and vents in the ceiling." You would have to be careful about the fans in the floor, that they did not just pick up germs sitting on the floor and pass them up to people. Still, if you had hardwood floors, and kept them clean, this idea should work. As people exhaled, coughed and breathed, the fans would drive the air upward and away from other people. It might be that this should be a required design of all buildings in the future. Each year, we have flu. This might be an effective way of fighting it.

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