Monday, March 9, 2020

These are Times to Learn

  What are we doing in Italy, and America -- in each and every country -- to search the trails of death from the novel coronavirus, to learn from what is happening in order to keep it from happening more?
   Are we backgrounding every death, maybe even every case? Let us even study those who came in proximity to the disease, yet who were not affected.
   We can learn. If we learn what brings death, and how it is avoided, we walk safer in the future.
   These are times we should be polling and canvassing, screening and documenting. Are those contacting the disease people who have had poor flu hygiene? We have a massive public relations campaign, telling us to wash our hands, don't share food, etc. Are the people following these rules surviving better than those who don't?
   I know having taken the common flu vaccine doesn't protect you from the novel coronavirus -- or does it (any at all)? Could we query the patients and those who were near them, asking if they had taken a vaccine this year or ever? MERS and SARS are said to be related. I believe I have heard the vaccines remain in your system for some time. Could we ask?


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