Tuesday, March 31, 2020


  Pause tonight, and think of the world, and of the last days, and of wickedness, and whether it is great upon the face of the earth. Ask, what is our wickedness? If we, then, as a world are wicked, what are the ways in which we are wicked?
   Many of you do not believe in the scriptures. And, many others of you suggest that while you believe in the scriptures, they are not appropriate in discussions of politics and issues and world affairs. Leave them out.
   But, in them there, is a warning: In the last days, there shall be great wickedness. And, there will be fires, and earthquakes, and famines, and calamities as the Lord cleanses the face of the earth.
   We would do well to reflect on who we are as a world, and if we have sins that are sins of individuals, or whether there are sins we have as a society. Or whether there are both.

Monday, March 30, 2020

Musings and Wonderings on Coronavirus This Day

  I wonder on antibiotics, and whether they impact COVID-19. Now, I am only wondering -- throwing out a question to be considered -- not asserting that this is true.
  But, what if part of the reason the elderly are succumbing more, is that they are more likely to have had surgeries? Now, when you get a surgery, you get treated with an antibiotic. So, we notice that a disproportional number of people seem to be dying in nursing homes? Antibiotics and pain-killers abound in nursing homes.
  Utah suffered its fourth coronavirus death yesteday. I noticed the lady had a surgery two years ago. Two years might  not be enough time to rebuild your immune system.

  It was announced that social distancing efforts in Utah seem to be working. Officials pointed out that only one in ten of those contacting the disease contacted it from community spread. The rest were from out-of-state or had had contact with those from areas apart.
  I do wonder, though. One of the foremost screening questions -- I believe -- before you can be tested, is whether you have had contact with someone from abroad. If you only test those who have had contact with those from abroad, you are only going to find those who have had contact with those from abroad. If you aren't even testing those who might be from community spread, you aren't going to find them. So, of course you don't find them in your count.

   How much is the weather impacting those nations that have had success fighting COVID-19? India, South Korea, Taiwan? Have they had warmer weather, all along? Some of us -- like me -- have wondered if it is the masks making the difference. But, is it more the weather?


Sunday, March 29, 2020

More than 25 Years of 'Stupid is as Stupid Does' has Left Its Mark

  One of the best one-liners in the history of movies, it is said. Uttered by the beloved character Forrest Gump in the movie of the same title. From 1994, we bring you this:
   "Stupid is as stupid does."
   Perhaps one of the more influential quotes in all of moviedom -- and perhaps one of the most damaging.
   To society.
   We listen to our icons. We follow them. We parrot them.
   If it is okay for them to call people stupid, it is okay for us to do it. If it is funny, it is funny. Let us laugh at others and call them stupid.
    "Stupid is as stupid does."
     We must wonder if more lessons are learned in a movie theater than are ever learned in church.
    And, some of them aren't good.

Saturday, March 28, 2020

The Maverick Voice of Jamessmith Jones

   The world was on the outskirts of town. The whole world -- all of it -- all within a half-mile's chase of our village. I used to go there, visiting every site, every clime, and I'd return home within an hour's time, filled with the wonders of all the world.
   Then came the scurve, the Great American Scurve. No more would my feet take me to ancient Rome and stardusk Scandanavia, all within the same night. No more would the pitter-patter steps of others join me, as we went trolling and touring the world away.
   Now? Just the silence of sheep, the baaing of lambs. These were our voices, as we subjected ourselves to our masters -- masters who kept us on short leash.
   I will tell you of one who would throw off the leash. Jamessmith, they called him, Jamessmith Jones. No, Jamessmith could not be mastered. He could not be kept within our town. He would break away and go right back out into the world on the edge of our town.
   Jamessmith Jones.
   I remember yesterday, his leaving late that evening. I remember fearing they would catch him, and stop him, maybe jail him for his reckless adventure. But, he passed through that gate at the end of town -- passed through it and continued walking to the very edges of the world.
   And was back within an hour's time.
   I rushed to meet him, throwing my arms around him, grateful for his safe return. "What's out there?" I cried. "What did you find on this night?"
   His lips curled. His eyes shot toward me. "Yes! Well, the world remains out there, as big and vibrant as ever. There are Jews and Chinese, and Mexicans, and Africans, and there are Muslims."
   Picking up his feet, he started to walk away, as if to leave it at that. He had went into the wide, wonderful world and found no more than Chinese and Mexicans and Jews. 
   He stopped just a few steps into his walk, looking back over his shoulder. "Oh, and there are those not of our party."
  He turned, again, and continued his walk, and I was left to reflect on his words. We live in an amalgamated world -- people of all races, and religions, and backgrounds to be found on the very edges of our own little circle of friends.
   We lock out all others. We discourage ourselves from even talking to them, reasoning with them, for they are just liars and morons and idiots, we are told. 
   Jamessmith Jones had reached his hut in the town by now. I could see his lamp come on, and watched him duck inside. He stuck his head back out, and yelled at me.
   "Oh, and what am I suppose to be if I live in this town? Could you freshen my memory? Is it Democrat, or Republican? I'm having trouble remembering. Oh, and about those Muslims everybody hates. I love 'em. Met one tonight. He was a pretty nice fellow."
  I started shuffling toward my own home, a little brick house over on 99th. The mottos and chants of our day and age -- the mottos and chants of our village -- rang in my ears, telling me to hate others, telling me to care only for those who are our own, telling me to listen only to this new voice of wisdom and truth and enlightenment.
   Think I'd rather listen to Jamessmith Jones. But, these days, we don't get out much like Jamessmith Jones. We live in our little village, our own little cocoon. This, more than the isolation you might think of -- this is the isolation of our day.

(Index -- Stories, My stories)

Friday, March 27, 2020

There Might be a Downside to the Face Mask We haven't Considered

   There is a downside, perhaps, to wearing a face mask -- and it might be one that hasn't been considered.
   When you sneeze, it seems it is an act of your body forcefully ejecting germs or virus from the body. It is said a sneeze screams out at 100 miles an hour. Sneezes, as well as perhaps most coughs, are involuntary. You can't stop them. Something inside the body triggers them. It says, Get out, and throws the germs out with mighty force. It says, Hey-hey, I don't want this in my body! And, it hurls the germs out like a bouncer tossing an unwanted patron violently to the street.
   If the body doesn't want them, it might be because they are doing us damage. We can sit around all day thinking our own germs will do us no harm. We can suppose it is only other's germs, and not our own, that are bad. But, what is this?  Our bodies are forcefully rejecting these germs?
   Yes, those sneezes might not come from rejecting our own germs, but those of others. A germ floats into the air, hits our nasal passage, and the body violently ejects it right back out -- at 100 miles an hour. Surely that is a lot of it. But, maybe it is both the germs of others and those of our own that can prompt a sneeze.
   Likewise, germs from others that enter our breathing space might well spark some of our coughing. Maybe, maybe not. But, it does seem at least most of our coughing is not brought on by the germs of others, but by our own condition.
   So, what of the face mask? What of sticking a barrier right in front of your mouth and nose? The germs are tossed out, only to be bounced right back in. They exit, only to be inhaled about as quick as they've left.
   I do not say we should not be wearing face masks. If the healthy wore them, perhaps it would do them no harm at all. It would seem the masks would surely filter the air they are breathing, stopping many of the germs from entering their air passages. Wearing masks might yet be the right thing to do. 
   But, we should consider on whether the face mask does have this downside that perhaps previously hasn't been considered. 


Thursday, March 26, 2020

There is a Greater Threat than Coronavirus

  Lay down the gloves. Lay down the daggers. Lay down the political spite.
  While our nation's focus and attention to the coronavirus would have you think it is our most-pressing need, our most-pressing crisis, I wonder.
  The day will come when the coronavirus will pass, but, through it all, the political strife seems only to be growing stronger. When the coronavirus ends, our hatred of each other will remain, boiling and roiling and stronger than ever. It, not the coronavirus might be the greater threat to destroying our nation.
   A house divided cannot stand, someone once said. And, I think that was scripture.
   If ye are not one, ye are not mine.
   I do not know how much these scriptures apply. I do not know that I am right in applying them. But, it seems I am. To me such national bickering is a sin in-and-of itself. Hatred is a sin. If we are are heaping hatred upon each other as we are -- Republicans hating Democrats, and Democrats hating Republicans -- is not that a sin? Hatred is hatred. If you practice it, it is a sin. The way we treat each other has no part in, Love thy neighbor.
   If love thy neighbor is a commandment, then does what we are doing not make us a nation of sin? I think of a scripture that speaks of people in ancient scriptural times returning railing-for-railing, and I sense from my reading that it was accounted unto them as a sin. Are we different than they? Is that not what we do -- return railing-for-railing?
   America might get through the coronavirus, but I fear for us and this much-worse malady. A nation that runs around saying, Stupid is as stupid does, to each other cannot stand.

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Judge a man not by how he treats his friends, but by how he treats those who treat him as their enemy.

Open Every Job, but Keep Social Gatherings as a No-No

  Leave the social part of the nation shut down. Leave out the parties, and socials, and gatherings on the beach. Likewise, encourage churches not to hold meetings. Easter Sunday is a day when you will have the largest crowds of all. If large crowds are what we don't want most, why open them on April 12?
  Lockdown, if you want to call it that? Let it continue. If there are those who can work at home, let that continue.
  But, bring the nation's economy back. Open the doors of business wherever they've been shut. Have the businesses do everything that can be done to make it safe, but open those businesses. Be creative in finding ways that they can be safe while operating, but let them operate. Look at our nation's unemployment claims. In California, alone, more than 1 million claims in less than two weeks. Make this not so much about GDP and stock markets, but about jobs and people's livelihoods. That is your economy.
  In other words, open the doors that should be opened, and leave closed those that should be kept shut.
   I do not know that this is where President Trump is going. Is he calling for an end of the shelter-in-place? I don't know.
  But, I do know that rather than just opening everything up again, it will be better to just open all the businesses, since our economy is at stake.
  But, leave the social gatherings and such shuttered.

Can We Get Every Job Back Up and Running -- Safely?

   Can every job be saved? Can we return everyone to their job who has been laid off?
   How about the airline industry? Flights are being canceled. No, we don't want the airlines to lose too much money, but our concern should be more for the pilots and flight attendants and baggage claim workers and others.
   If you send them home, keep on paying them.
   How about pastors and church employees? We saw how some churches went ahead and held meetings, and argued it was their right to do so. Perhaps to many of them, it was a simple matter of freedom of religion and freedom of speech. But, consider that if meetings aren't held, that affects donations and whether the pastor is able to get full pay.
   Maybe have drive-by attendance? Come to the door, get a blessing or spiritual thought from the pastor, and drop that $10 in the basket, and be on your way. One at a time, please, and keep distance between you.
   How about plays and productions? How about concerts? Go online. It will lack the immediacy. It will lose much of its flavor. But, do it anyway. You may need to reduce pricing, but you have unlimited seating. Big-name artists will survive without having concerts. No harm done. But, the playhouses around town need to be kept alive. Encourage the public to support our artists, including especially those who are not big-named stars. For some of us still sequestered away in our homes, such online plays and productions would not only help the playhouses, but provide entertainment to us the only way we can get it.
   How about dances? Have big clear, see-through rubber balls. Each patron steps inside one and does their dancing within the ball.
   Sit-down dining? have little, clear-glass or plexiglass hoods over each place at the table. You can talk to others at the table, and see them, but your germs are trapped in your own space.

Ventilate Our Grocery Stores?

   A man stationed at the door, washing down the shopping carts. A plexiglass plate between the clerk and the buyer in the check-out lanes. Those are things I'm seeing in grocery stores.
  I've another suggestion: fans in the check-out lanes, about waist high. These would catch the person's germs as they talked and carry them upward and away from harm. The problem might be in what became of those germs at that point. Do you have a ventilator in the ceiling, sucking them up and out? If not, the germs might but simply float around the store awhile and then fall back down on another customer.
  From my study of the moment, germs spread by talking and breathing might be as common as any transmission. I have learned they do hang in the air -- for maybe two hours. This might be just germs spread by coughing and sneezing, but I believe not. Cup your hand in front of your mouth or nose. Notice the moisture that is emitted. Do we suppose germs are only on the droplets from coughing and sneezing, but not on those little moisture particles you feel as you cup your hand in front of your mouth? Germs are germs. They'll kill as fast if they come from common breathing as they will if they come from a cough or sneeze.

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

April 12 Came, and the People Were Ready with 'Mobile Sheltering'

   It was April 12, the day they lifted so many of the shelter-at-home rules. People were out-and-about, but not without unprecedented caution. The measures taken were amazing.
   Most everyone wore masks. The nation's industry had responded by producing more than had ever been thought possible.
   Oh, the restaurants were a sight. Sit-down dining, yes. But, it had never been like this. Each place at the table had a little clear-plastic hood over it, so your air space was much your own. You could talk to the others at the table, but germs from your mouth were caught from reaching them by the little canopy.
   But, the biggest thing -- the most novel and enterprising -- was the walking bubbles. Big, clear-plastic bubbles you walked in. Oh, as the story-teller here, I will admit I don't know if they could be designed to work, but I say we try. Anyway, there were these big, round bubbles you walked in. They isolated you even though people were all about you.
   "Social distancing" was still a popular term, but the term "mobile sheltering" had somewhat replaced it. 

Monday, March 23, 2020

Is the Heavy Air of Winter the Reason We have More Colds and Flues?

   The mystery of why colds and flues come to a halt in winter might be that the germs float in the air better during the winter months.
   If it is warm, the air expands, making it lighter so things float in it better. So, when a germ flies out of your mouth in summer, it is heavier than the air, so it falls to the ground quicker. In winter, though, it hangs and hangs in the air -- right at the level of our breathing.
   A germ on the ground is no harm to a clown, but one at nose level should not be laughed at. 
   I read a lot of reasons why flu rules in winter but loses its reign in summer. 
   People spend more time indoors with each other in winter.
   Our nasal passages are drier, due to drier air, so that allows bacteria to take hold more easily. 
   Viruses replicate better at temperatures just below our body temperature, at least according to preliminary testing on mice. 
    I am not a scientist. So, I might be wrong that air is heavier in winter and lighter in summer. If so, there goes my whole theory. Still, I have been able to study enough to realize a lot of flu transmission comes from breathing in bacteria that hangs in the air, right at face level. If so much of the transmission is due to that, then it follows that if transmissions go down in summer, it might be because the germs are not hanging at face level as much. 

Coronavirus-Spread Comes from More Than the Cough and Sneeze

   The cough and the sneeze are dangerous, but watch for the yawn and the sigh. Watch for the heavy breathing . . . and, perhaps, any breathing at all.
  Coronavirus-spread has its secrets.
   Place your hand in front of your mouth as you breathe. Place it in front of your nose. Feel the moisture. Do we suppose that all the coronavirus spread comes more from coughing and sneezing? Do we suppose only those germs carried out by a cough or a sneeze are harmful, but those from simple breathing are not?
  Now, when you cough or sneeze, the droplets fall straight to the ground. It would only be germs that accompany or separate from the spit that we must worry about hanging in the air -- waiting for the next individual -- unsuspecting -- to pass by and take them into their lungs.
   Virus particles can hang in the air for hours. Your spittle might fall straight to the ground, but germs emitted along with that spittle hang and hang and hang, tendering their danger to all that cross through them.
   I say all this because I have heard it said the disease is transmitted when someone coughs or sneezes and the droplets fly into the mouths or noses of others. I can't see that happening too often. Also, I think of all the hand-to-mouth warnings -- which are good, but they overlook the fact that most transmissions come through the air.

Sunday, March 22, 2020

Tighten the Fight to State-by-State or City-by-City, and Test, Test, Test

   This far in, and with what we've learned, we should take the coronavirus fight to the states, to the cities, to the counties.
   And, test, test, test.
   Say what you will, we are not testing anywhere near as much as we should -- nowhere as much as we must.
   "We have a simple message to all countries -- test, test, test. All countries should be able to test all suspected cases. They cannot fight this pandemic blindfolded." So says Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, director-general of the World Health Organization.
   But, the United States continues to fall short in taking such advice..
   South Korea? One of the countries most successful in fighting the virus? It has tested more per capita than any nation in the world.
   But, what of India? It, too, is one of the most successful nations. So far. But, it has one of the lowest test rates, per capita. Its strategy has been to test those who enter the country. But, until community transmission is detected, there is no need for wide-spread testing.
   One wonders if India's death figures are accurate, if they are as low as is being reported. Have there been more cases, and deaths, but they simply aren't in the count? Perhaps not. Perhaps it is as the country says, No community transmissions, so no need to test. But, who knows.
   But, America? What should we do now that we have 3,500 detected cases, and the spread is already in every state?
   Perhaps, draw the lines tighter. Isolate state-by-state or community-by-community. Draw a line around each city. Don't let anyone in unless they are tested. And, trace down each person who already has tested positive, and test those they have made contact with. If you don't have the personnel to do this, get it. With all the people who have lost their jobs, hire some of them, if necessary. Or, if you have medical personnel sidelined since elective surgeries are on hold, utilize them, putting them back to work. Insist that the federal government loosen regulatory requirements. Find manufacturers who will immediately convert their sites to producing PPEs (personal protective equipment), test kits, ventilators and whatever else is needed, including masks for the public.
   And, test everyone who needs to be tested. Everyone.
   You can better circle the wagons if there are few. The coronavirus threat is so large, it becomes difficult -- impossible -- to draw all the wagons into the same circle on a nationwide basis.
   So, circle the wagons on a state-by-state or community-by-community basis.

Saturday, March 21, 2020

Put on the Gloves of South Korea; Fight the Virus the Way it Does

 One of the more successful countries in fighting the novel coronavirus? South Korea. Turn to them, then, to learn what we should be doing.
  At the heart of what South Korea is doing, is testing. One in every 200 citizens has been tested. If someone in the apartment complex comes down with the virus, others in the complex might find notes on their doors asking them to come in and get tested.
   They don't even wait for you to ask for the test, they seek you out, and find you out, sometimes before you even know you've got it. They track the virus down, identifying those who have it, and isolate them before they can infect others.
   As of two days ago, South Korea had conducted more than 307,000 tests, making it the country with the highest per capita testing in the world.

Friday, March 20, 2020

As a People of Hate, is this a Time to Consider Repentance?

   Would it be so bad if we, as a nation, took the virus as a call to repent? Or, if we in the Salt Lake Valley added in the 5.7 earthquake we had two days ago, and took it and the virus together as a tap on the shoulder that maybe we should repent?
  Don't know that either the pandemic nor the earthquake is a call from God. But, I do not think it wrong that we should search our souls, and wonder. It is never wrong to search for our sins; never wrong to repent.
   We are a nation of hate. And, in the Salt Lake Valley? -- a people of hate. Those who read scripture will know that often when nations have needed to repent, their hatred and division has been part of that which they needed to repent.

Not Even a Crisis Such as This can Bring Us Together

  The coronavirus crisis is failing to unite our nation. We are not shoulder-to-shoulder, focused on the common enemy, and working as one.
  No, all the hatred of each other -- all the running around, the right blaming the left and the left blaming the right -- it remains. Nobody has laid down their gloves; Nobody has laid down their swords. All the attacks on Bernie and Biden and Obama, and on Trump and Pence? They are still there. All the hatred of China and ISIS remains. And, I would guess they remain in their hatred of us.
   A war machine doesn't lay down its weapons for a virus. Not even a crisis such as this can bring us together.

Thursday, March 19, 2020

A 'Smoke' Detector for Coronavirus

  We should be able to develop a "smoke detector" for coronavirus. Now, if we had, in all our large public rooms, a detector that went off when the virus was detected in the air, wouldn't that be wonderful?
  Oh, people would be fleeing for the doors when it went off, but it would still be a wonderful little tool in the fight against coronavirus.
   And, it sure seems it ought to be possible. I read of how they have took readings in the hospital rooms of patients to determine if virus microbes are in the air. I would guess, though, that those readings might not be specific to the coronavirus, but to germs in the air, period, although I could be wrong on that.
   Either way, such a machine should be possible. If it is already specific to the coronavirus, that means we just need to get it to be used widespread. If it is not already specific to coronavirus, I believe it could be. Five days after the coronavirus was isolated, Chinese scientists published what is called the virus' genetic sequence. I wonder, if with us knowing the genetic sequence, if a machine could be made that measures the coronavirus microbes floating in the air. Maybe the two -- the genetic sequence and detecting microbes in the air have no connection, though. I don't know.
   Still, this might be possible -- a "smoke detector." Coronavirus enters the room, and bang!, the alarm goes off. It would be a wonderful little invention.

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

If Dropping the Event does not Hamper the Economy, then Close it

   Bless those who are canceling church services, and those who are canceling other non-essential gatherings. When the gathering is not necessary, including when it is social in nature and nothing is to be lost on the economy by not having it, take the safe side and bow out.
    I do not favor us closing down our nation, economically. We should be looking for ways to keep business open, making them safe, but keeping them open. But, when the gathering does not affect the economy, then it is wise to let go of it.

Monitor what is Happening, and Change Directions Accordingly

   I look at the figures. Roughly 700 more deaths in Italy and only 5 new deaths in the United States. Although I am in favor of keeping businesses up and running, it makes me wonder. Then, again. I believe Italy may have closed its businesses, as well.
  Though we each have our opinions as to what should be done -- and I am very strong in mine -- we should monitor what is happening around the world and change our opinions when it is appropriate.

We Should Wonder about Air Circulation in Planes and Ships

   As I learn Utah Rep. Ben McAdams has tested positive for the virus, and read how he had traveled by air in recent weeks, I wonder at how many have contacted the disease who traveled by air or sea.
   I wonder about the air circulation on sea ships and airplanes. I know nothing about it, but wonder. Do the circulation patterns but circulate the air from one passenger to another?

Reflections on Proposed Inventions from a Few Days Ag

  Reflections since I proposed three inventions days ago.
  I wrote, "We've got smoke detectors, why not virus detectors? Could a device be created that would sense out the germs in the air, saying they're at seven microbes per square foot, or thirty per square yard?"
  I since read how they have found the coronavirus microbes in the hospital rooms of some patients, but not in those of others. That means such a machine, such a detector, is already in existence.
  I would say, though, it needs to be available -- and priced right -- so businesses and venues and gathering places can afford it. If you can check the air, and know the virus is there, that is huge.
  I also wrote: "How about a disinfectant drop? You would have it up against the ceiling, and you'd clear people out of the room every couple hours, and drop a mist of disinfectant on the room."
  This idea might work. No update on it.
   And, I wrote: "How about something so simple as a series of fans set up, so they took air through one door, into a meeting room, and then down the hallway and out a second door. In the meeting room, there would be floor fans, driving the air up to as soon as you emitted germs with a cough. The air would carry the germs up and away from others, then the series of fans would take the air just underneath the ceiling and out the door and on."
  This idea could backfire. If the fans pushed the air through halls filled with people, passed their noses and mouths, it would merely circulate any microbes right into unaware victims. This idea would only work if the fans carried the air high and up and away from everyone.
    Then, I wrote: "Or, maybe skip the door-to-door escapade, and just have blowers in the floor and vents in the ceiling." You would have to be careful about the fans in the floor, that they did not just pick up germs sitting on the floor and pass them up to people. Still, if you had hardwood floors, and kept them clean, this idea should work. As people exhaled, coughed and breathed, the fans would drive the air upward and away from other people. It might be that this should be a required design of all buildings in the future. Each year, we have flu. This might be an effective way of fighting it.

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

It is a Big Error that We Tell People not to Buy Face Masks

  Yes, those facemasks would do a world of good. So, while the CDC has advised us not to use them, we should. The CDC is in error.
   We do not need to buy the N95 masks, commonly used in construction work. But, make no mistake, a simple mask would do a world of good. At a time like this when the whole world is in harm's way, it would do the world good.
    Had we been on the ball, we would have ramped up emergency production of these masks on Day 1, the first day we became concerned of the virus. But, nothing is stopping us now. If we have any factories at all, ramp up production. We may not be able to import them. One of the countries that exports them, Taiwan, has stopped that exportation so all of its masks can be used for its own citizens.
   Taiwan trusts that they work, even if the CDC doesn't.
   To date, the belief is that most coronavirus transmissions are through the air. Not as many of them are from the virus being picked up off surfaces. So, while all the cans of Lysol are spraying down counters and wiping off door handles, it is the transmissions through the air we should be more concerned with.
   And, we are telling people not to wear masks?
   There are at least two types of transmissions through the air: One, spit and saliva projectiles. (Or, would it be just cough and sneeze projectiles?) These quickly fall the ground. But, some of the sources I am reading say that this is the typical way the disease is transmitted; A person coughs or sneezes, and the projectile lands in another person's nose or mouth. I would suggest it might not be too often that that happens. But -- whatever -- I could be wrong. 
  The point is, a simple face mask would stop that. If the person coughing or sneezing has a mask, his cough or sneeze goes no further. So, we are saying this is the primary way the disease is transmitted, and then telling people not to wear masks? Doesn't make sense.
   The second type of transmission through the air is what is called airborne. The microbes evidently come detached from the droplets we spew out by coughing, and they float around in the air. Studies are suggesting they can hang in the air for hours.
   I would wonder if we should divide out a third type of transmission; simple breathing and talking. When I cup my hand in front of my mouth as I talk, I can feel moisture reach my hand. When I exhale deeply through by nose, I also feel moisture hitting into my cupped hand.
   Maybe even divide this third type of transmission further, into three. 1.) The projectiles or droplets, themselves. 2.) The microbes that are carried out by the projectiles, but which detach and hang in the air for hours, supposing this happens. 4.) Microbes that are not carried out by the projectiles, but rather float out of the mouth or nose free of being carried out by projectiles. 
    NBA players breathe deeply. They exhale deeply. And, we have -- so far -- seven players who have come down with COVID-19? It would not seem they are coughing much on each other. But, they are breathing on each other.
   So, back to the masks. The CDC warns that the simple masks are not effective. They don't have a tight fit. The aerosol particles can sneak in through the edges of the mask, since it doesn't have a tight fit. Yes, that would mean they don't completely protect you from receiving the virus from aerosol transmissions.
   But, if everyone wore masks? Not just those worried about receiving the virus? Then, when anyone sneezed or coughed or spoke or exhaled air, those masks would catch the moisture. They would trap the projectiles and droplets within the masks. The aerosol microbes? It would seem at least most of them would also be trapped within the mask.
   If I am missing something here, I can't imagine what it is. It so seems just a matter of logic.
   The CDC says people misuse the masks. I read of how there is a certain way the mask is to be taken off. Is this part of what the CDC is talking about when it refers to misuse? To take it off, you don't grab the mask by the front, where your germs have penetrated, but by the strap that runs around the back of your head. I guess you could always wash your hands, though, couldn't you? And, if you need a new, cheap mask at that point, so be it. 
   I have a sister who came up with a great idea: Dish rags. If all the masks are sold out, tie a dish rag around your face. 
   So, the next big thing to sell off the shelves? Dish rags! Let's all rush out and buy dish rags.
   We should. From all I can tell, it might save our nation from much of the harm of this novel coronavirus.
(NOTE: The story was added to some 3/18/20.)

Let Economic Stimulus Take on a New Meaning

   An economic stimulus in these times of coronavirus? It need not mean $850 billion from the federal government. It can mean creative efforts to keep businesses thriving while at the same time making them safe from the virus.
   Make things fun. Turn everything into a game.
    A movie theater might move to a park blocks away, if it is a warm night. Outdoor theater revived. If there is a breeze, the breeze would blow the virus germs away. Or, you could have an Eggscape-to-the-Theater Night, where everyone viewed the movie from inside their own, clear-pastic egg.

Monday, March 16, 2020

For a Vibrant Economy, Keep as Many Businesses Open as You can

   If the coronavirus is to have its way with the economy, it will be because we didn't mind to people's jobs.
   Yes, it is not so much the stock market, but the Joe clocking in each morning that matters. On Joe, hinges the economy. If Joe is a server, and his restaurant closes sit-down dining, he is out of a job. When rent comes due, he can't pay it. And, when his landlord doesn't get the money, he can't pay the mortgage.
   A rippling effect, it is. And, as the ripples ripple, the economy is ripped.
   So, you take care of the economy. You don't shutter stores that don't need to be shuttered. You keep everything up and running, as much as you can.
   The first bat out of the cave in this coronavirus debacle came when Utah Jazz Center Rudy Gobert tested positive and the NBA swiftly jettisoned its season. Less than a day or two went by before New Orleans Pelican Zion Williamson offered to pay the salary of arena workers for a month in New Orleans. Right of the bat, then, it was the working-class Joes and Janes who were losing their jobs.
    I will soften what I say: I don't know that you can keep everything open. I lack in wisdom to know whether the coronavirus might further its rampage if we keep too many businesses open.
    But, it does seem to me, we should keep them open, whenever we can.
    Which only means we must pursue every avenue to make them safe. Restaurants? Have little see-threw, speak-threw,  clear-plastic canopies over the dining areas of each individual patron. Thus, four seats to a table means four canopies. Stores? Hire extra cashiers to alleviate the danger of people being clumped together as they await check-out.

Three Invention Thoughts for Coronavirus

  We've got smoke detectors, why not virus detectors? Could a device be created that would sense out the germs in the air, saying they're at seven microbes per square foot, or thirty per square yard?
  How about a disinfectant drop? You would have it up against the ceiling, and you'd clear people out of the room every couple hours, and drop a mist of disinfectant on the room.
   Or, how about something so simple as a series of fans set up, so they took air through one door, into a meeting room, and then down the hallway and out a second door. In the meeting room, there would be floor fans, driving the air up to as soon as you emitted germs with a cough. The air would carry the germs up and away from others, then the series of fans would take the air just underneath the ceiling and out the door and on. Of the ideas so far, this one seems the best, as there doesn't seem to be any reason it couldn't be invented and no reason it wouldn't work.
   Or, maybe skip the door-to-door escapade, and just have blowers in the floor and vents in the ceiling.

Sunday, March 15, 2020

With Taiwan in Mind, Here are Some Adjustments We Should Make

  With an eye toward what Taiwan has done, what should we do at this point, in America? Only 50 cases? (is that active cases, or all of them totalled?) Only one death in Taiwan?
   One, they've used face masks. In the U.S., for some reason, we've been told not to use them. Why? At any rate, they seem to have worked in Taiwan, so lets roll them out to the full of our nation. Taiwan wanted as many of the masks available for its people as possible, so it banned their export. It didn't want the expense of them to keep them from being purchased, so it did some price-setting.
   I saw a picture of a classroom in Taiwan. Each desk had a little fence, of sorts, setting around the top of the desk. I imagine, if you coughed, the little wall around your desk would help prevent the germs from reaching other students.
   Let us do the same, in our offices, our restaurants, and in any place of public gathering where there are tables and desks to sit at.
   I did not read of much in the way of business shutdowns. Perhaps the domestic business is not being much affected. If you do not shut down the stores, the economy is sparred, in that regard. Taiwan is an exporting nation, with much of its economy reliant on that, so it is being impacted there.
   What should we do in the U.S., then? Of course you move what jobs you can to the home. But, do not close businesses. Do not put people out of jobs. If a restaurant goes to take-out only, the servers lose their jobs. When it comes time to pay their rent, they can't. And, when the landlord goes to pay his mortgage, he (or she) can't. It has a rippling effect on the whole economy.
   If it is, truly, necessary to shut down jobs, do so. But, I do not know that it is. We should be careful not to adversely affect our economy. The Wall Street losses are one thing, but the loss of personal jobs and the closing of businesses could be must more devastating.
   Continue to hunker down, and to keep social distancing. If you don't need to go visit that friend who might or might not have coronavirus, don't. We live in an age of social media and cellphones. They serve as a perfect anecdote to visiting just to socialize. Use the technology we have been blessed with to get us through these times.
   Tourism? I wonder on it. It, too, is part of our economy. If you are just putting the vacation on hold, do so. But, if you must vacation, vacation. But, visiting to relatives and friends in distant states? If you have weddings and such, go -- with care and that face mask. But, travel to family in other states just to be visiting should be avoided.
   And, follow all the hygiene rules that are being harped on. No hand to face. Clean surfaces. Etc.
   Oh, and most important of all, finally get on with testing. Whereas in the U.S., we are told not to seek testing unless necessary, in Taiwan they have been much more rigorous. Often, they have taken patients who tested negative, and brought them back in for a second test. If you test everyone who might have the coronavirus, and then quarantine them, that fights the virus about as well as you can. If you don't even know who has the virus, you won't quarantine them.
  No facemasks? Discouraging testing? The U.S. is not going the same direction as Taiwan on a number of points, these being two. We should change course.

I Come not to Bury Bernie, but to Partially Praise Him

   Today, I come not to bury Bernie Sanders, but to praise him -- at least to a degree. Oh, get me not wrong. I am wary of socialism.
    One of the greatest crises in America is our health care. To a degree, what is happening is destroying us. Bankruptcies and personal debt are taking away what we have always referred to as the American way of life.
   Destroying us.
   Freedom? You are not free if you are so deep in debt you must pay the bill for the rest of your life. So, it is not wrong to say our health-care crisis is robbing us of our freedom.
   And, along comes Bernie. He wraps himself in socialism, true. And, that offends much of our nation. But, it goes unnoticed by those who are offended that his solution is a solution. He is solving one of America's greatest problems. Health care would become affordable, paid for.
  I also think of Elizabeth Warren, and her plan to deal with bankruptcies. If these bankruptcies have a stranglehold on our freedom -- and they do -- then bless someone who comes along with a solution.
   Now, I must back up. Yes, Bernie's plan will save us from our personal debt. It is to be praised for that. Freeing us from debts we cannot avoid -- and from debts that bind us till the day we die -- is a good thing. But, Bernie's plan (from what I know) will not actually reduce the cost of medicine. It will merely shift the burden from people to the government. The people will be freed, but the government, itself, will become more of a debtor.
  Oh, and if you are suggesting that Bernie does address this -- that he does have a plan to pay for the care, tell me if it is not taxation. Whether it is the rich or the poor you tax, it remains that you are not solving the problem of the cost, only shifting who pays for it.
  Reducing the price of medicine is the only true, complete answer. Bernie has half the answer, but he leaves the other half wanting.

The Crisis could Crown President Trump

  Let's say this coronavirus crisis does not get much worse. Let's wonder that if just as quick as it has blossomed, it begins to fade away. China is now reporting few new cases, few new deaths. If it can subside there, it can subside in other countries.
  If it gets no worse, President Trump will be hailed. All the talk of how the media is blowing it out of proportion. All the talk of how this is no worse than the flu. All the talk of how we've had SARS, and AIDS, and swine flu scares, and this is no worse. These are Trump lines. When things settle down a bit -- if they do -- then Trump will be hailed for knowing all along that this would be the case.
  Bless us that the virus does not get worse. Let us hope and pray it doesn't. Let us thank our Lord if it the coronavirus crisis passes. Let us be relieved that a higher number of deaths have been avoided. Let us -- all the same and despite Trump being hailed -- be grateful if things do not get worse.
   Bless the president, in all the decisions he makes for our country at this time. If it does not get worse, then bless him for having the foresight to see it would not get as bad as we feared.
   Note: Last paragraph added 3/15/20.

Are Some Coronavirus Deaths being Counted as Flu Deaths?

   How many people are infected with the coronavirus who are never tested, so they are not counted as coronavirus cases? How many die, undetected? The symptoms are similar to those of the flu. How many, then, actually have and die from the coronavirus, only to be counted as victims of the flu?
   It would seem that this surely must be happening.
   If we want to have accurate figures, it is important that we test more people.

Public Figures Testing Positive has Greater Impact

  It is not wrong to wonder if one reason so many political leaders worldwide are being identified with coronavirus is that they are being tested. Yes, they also interact with those of other countries, so that, also, surely is a reason.
  Celebrities? Tom Hanks and his wife, Rita Wilson, have tested positive. Three NBA players have tested positive. And, this might be significant: Heidi Klum says she would like to be tested, but is not being allowed to. If celebrities -- like the rest of us -- are not being allowed to be tested, then they will go unnoticed, even if they have the virus. Many of them, like political leaders, also interact with people from other countries.
   One thinks of how Utah Jazz center Rudy Gobert's testing positive woke up and galvanized the nation. It would not take too many Hollywood stars testing positive to further frighten us, as a nation, against the coronavirus. So, that Heidi Klum is not being allowed to be tested might be significant.

We are Last Among All Developed Nations in Coronavirus Testing

  Fewer tests for coronavirus per capita have been done in the United States than in any other developed nation.
  We, as a people, like to think of our nation as a country that responds better and quicker than other nations. We speak of "American exceptionalism," and pride ourselves as a cut above the rest.
  One wonders if we are living up to this standard in the coronavirus crisis. The first step in fighting the virus is to identify those who have it. For political or whatever reason, we are not even taking that first step.

Friday, March 13, 2020

Take Jack Ma's 500,000 Test Kits and Use Them

    Jack Ma, the richest man in China, is giving the U.S. 500,000 test kits. Bless him. Let us accept them graciously, and use them abundantly.
   Could this be true? I understand only about 5,000 people in the U.S. have even been tested to date. This could lead -- already is -- to the American people wondering if the tests are being denied to keep the numbers down. You don't have a coronavirus case if it isn't diagnosed. We've only just better than 2,000 cases, so far. But, what if we were testing more? Would more cases be confirmed? No one knew Rudy Gobert and Donovan Mitchell had the virus until they were tested. Rudy's playing around, grabbing the microphones of others, confirms he did not imagine he had the virus.
    What is going on? Are we attempting to keep the numbers down by not offering testing? We speak of how China and other countries might be manipulating their counts to make them look good. We must wonder if that tactic isn't our own.

Thursday, March 12, 2020

There's Wisdom in all Those Long Lines at the Stores Tonight

   President Trump spoke yesterday, outlining a plan of defense against the coronavirus. Then, today, his presumed opponent in the presidential race, Joe Biden, offered his thoughts and suggestions.
   Then, the people spoke. Well, they've been speaking through both of these two days. And, their voice offers more action, resolve, and direction than that of the two candidates. Sporting events -- from the NBA to Major League Baseball to most everything else -- came to a crashing halt. No government order required to bring this about. The sporting world did it on its own. Disneyland and Disney World announced closurers. Businesses announced work-at-home efforts. Churches called off their meetings.
    And, perhaps most telling, the rush to the stores, the long lines Thursday evening. Panic buying, you will call it, but if this is people preparing to stay in their homes and hunker down, it is an effort that could make the most difference.
    Preparing to self-quarantine? It isn't the government telling us to do this. Oh, the fear of the government shutting everything down might have prompted the rush to the stores. Still, it is a people preparing to isolate from each other, preparing for what is wise if we are to prevent the spread of the disease.
   I do not take a harsh eye to the panic. Scoff at it and decry it, if you will. I see wisdom and benefit in it. What some call panic, can also be viewed as preparation.
   NOTE ADDED THE NIGHT OF 3/13-3/14/20: I believe I may have been too generous in my hope. It is wonderful if all the shoppers hit the stores because are wanting to hunker down, and stay in their homes more, and ride this out. I guess on reflection, though, I wonder if this is what was happening. Perhaps they rampaged the stores simply in anticipation the stores shelves could empty. If so, their buying was a panic.


Bless Us, Should the Virus be this Bad

   Amid the whirlwind of news concerning the coronavirus, one item that didn't receive much attention . . .
   That surely would have added to the hysteria.
   An estimate 70 to 150 million Americans could become infected, according to the surgeon to the U.S. Congress. That's 20-45 percent of the population.
   If you take the low end (70 million) and if you go with less than half the mortality rate we are told we are currently experiencing (go with a 1.5 percent mortality rate instead of 3.4 percent), that's 1.4 million Americans succumbing to this disease.

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

The Great Suck-a-Germ-Away Machine

  Do the germs hang in the air? Would it be possible to develop a machine that sucks them out of the air? What about a machine that pulls them off of surfaces? Not like swabs. Swabs contact the germs and kill them. That's great. This would just be another tool. Rather than killing the germs, the machine would -- like a magnet -- pull them off surfaces and out of the air, and contain them.
  Just another tool to use in the fight against the flu and diseases like coronavirus, if such a machine is a possibility.

We Should Consider Movement Restrictions Within the United States

   If no one traveled, the coronavirus would have a hard time spreading from one place to another. It does not seem wrong to me to consider travel restrictions. Some of our industries, such as tourism, might need to weather the loss of revenue. But, perhaps the restrictions would need to be in place only for a couple months. Perhaps the coronavirus would go into a summer lull and tourism and travel could resume at least until next winter. If everyone did their vacationing, all the same, just putting it off, perhaps not much would be lost, financially.
   If coronavirus cannot spread unless people take it with them from one state to another, then it does seem we should consider nationwide travel restrictions. Weigh the best ways for them to not impact your economy, and find ways so they do not affect your economy, but have definite restrictions, the same.
   If we would have restrictions on people coming from China or Europe because they might bring the virus, does it not make just as much sense to have restrictions on bringing them from one state to another? If one person has the coronavirus in Italy and another in New York, they are equally capable of spreading the virus to Denver if they head for Denver.

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

What are Our Efforts to Move Jobs into the Home?

   If working from home is seen as a way to help fight the novel coronavirus, if it will help keep our economy rolling, should it not be getting more of an emphasis?
   None of the $8.3 billion the government allocated to deal with the coronavirus is going for this. And, we must wonder if the economic stimulus bill will include any. Maybe that isn't necessary. But, however we get it done, it seems logical that efforts to move jobs into the home would be beneficial.
   Germs don't spread beyond the household, if those in the household are staying home. And, those in the household are perhaps safe from the germs on the outside.

Imaginative Advertising could Help Fight Coronavirus

 Would we venture to let government do this one? Or could we encourage our medical profession to provide the funding?
  Advertising. Nice, cutesy, appealing ads, encouraging us to not cough into the open air, and to keep our hands away from our face, and to step away from sharing finger foods. Maybe even ads encouraging us all to wear masks, if we determine that will do some good.
   Make it enjoyable. Make it fun. Make it a challenge we find ourselves relishing, to do these things. That doesn't come by accident. But, creative PSAs might help make it happen.

Monday, March 9, 2020

These are Times to Learn

  What are we doing in Italy, and America -- in each and every country -- to search the trails of death from the novel coronavirus, to learn from what is happening in order to keep it from happening more?
   Are we backgrounding every death, maybe even every case? Let us even study those who came in proximity to the disease, yet who were not affected.
   We can learn. If we learn what brings death, and how it is avoided, we walk safer in the future.
   These are times we should be polling and canvassing, screening and documenting. Are those contacting the disease people who have had poor flu hygiene? We have a massive public relations campaign, telling us to wash our hands, don't share food, etc. Are the people following these rules surviving better than those who don't?
   I know having taken the common flu vaccine doesn't protect you from the novel coronavirus -- or does it (any at all)? Could we query the patients and those who were near them, asking if they had taken a vaccine this year or ever? MERS and SARS are said to be related. I believe I have heard the vaccines remain in your system for some time. Could we ask?


Sunday, March 8, 2020

The Study of Death May Hold the Promise of Life

  Studies in death. America should study each time someone passes away.
  Because of the times we live in. How many people will be lost to COVID-19? Are vaccines beneficial? Are antibiotics good -- or are they harmful?
  Each time someone dies, let us look into their past. Did they take vaccines? Did they have colds or flues? Did they take antibiotics?
   Coroners. Let them take a larger roll. Let them step it up. Let us hire more of them, if necessary.
    The study of death may hold the promise of life.

Saturday, March 7, 2020

When Socialism Restricts a Person from Soaring, it is Wrong

  That system of government or economics that restricts the desire or ability to strike out on one's own to excel is perhaps faulty.
   Is it wrong to want to excel on one's own? It does seem it is not. To the contrary: The desire to excel, to achieve, and accomplish on one's own can be good.
   It depends, though. If the desire to achieve is accompanied by a disregard for others -- perhaps even a desire to lord over them -- that is not a good thing. But, the desire to achieve individually can have the opposite objective: A person can want to do well, individually, that what is done will benefit others. And, a person can want to do well just for the contentment of achieving something. That is not wrong.
   Socialism might not always be bad. But, when it restricts the person from soaring as an individual, then it is wrong. 

Considering Vaccines

  Are vaccines good, or are they bad? With the novel coronavirus scaring us, it becomes almost imperative to consider the question.
  I open to an editorial in the Deseret News, noting that even while pharmaceutical companies scramble to find a way to inoculate against the virus, "we continue to see the evidence of persistent anti-vaccination attitudes."
  The editorial leaves us to feel we are simply irresponsible if we do not use vaccines.
  Then, I read another article, suggesting the vaccinations can cause unwanted side effects, such as ADD and cancer.
   I leave my night's study thinking vaccines are probably good. But, should like to study some more.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Doing Away with Contention Different than Doing Away with Discussion

  These are times when reasoning with each other is needed. The last days -- some say they are -- an age when the issues call for our attention if we care for the world we live in.
   So, we discuss things, and disagree. And, along comes a scripture:
   "He that hath the spirit of contention is not of me, but is of the devil, who is the father of contention." 3 Nephi 11:29 (In the Book of Mormon, which is scripture to those of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints)
   Some would take this scripture as invitation to retreat to separate corners. Why discuss things with those you disagree with when it only foments contention?
   I have some thoughts on that. If you are being disagreeable with others as you discuss things -- if you are condemning them, or belittling them, or telling them what idiots they are -- there is the spirit of contention.
   Think on those things. Yes, it does seem they are of the devil. Come, let us reason together can do without them.
   Some would go to their separate corners, and suppose themselves safe from breaking the rule against contention. Not so. Once they are in their separate corners, if they continue to say nasty things about the other side, the spirit of contention remains. You can say a lot of mean things about a person behind his (or her) back, and it doesn't make it right. A contentious spirit contends, whether it contends with you in person, or just spills its hatred of you among its friends.
   Our world needs to discuss its problems. It can discuss them with hatred, and all will be lost. Or, it can learn to love each other, and to discuss things civilly, and hope for humankind will flourish.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

This Might Point to the Need for a Breakthrough Scientific Discovery

   The flu kills more Americans each year than any other virus, according to estimates. Perhaps we should listen to those who suggest all the hype about the Coronavirus obscures the danger of the common flu.
  With about 60,000 dying annually in America, and maybe 650,000 globally, isn't the common flu already what we fear the Coronavirus will become?
   A pandemic.
   And, while we speak of how a vaccine for Coronavirus is more than a year away, should we notice that what vaccines we have for the common flu are not yielding us good defense against this deadly killer, the common flu?
   Are we not using them, or are they ineffective?
   Or, is the fact we are using them the very problem? It is said that the world of viruses builds up its own immunities against vaccines.
   One could argue that for all the urgency to find a vaccine to counter COVID-19, there is just as great an urgency to develop an effective one for the common flu.
   But, then again, maybe we should see that all this means we need a new scientific breakthrough. Vaccines may be our death. Perhaps one of the greatest needs in the world today, is to develop something other than vaccines to fight against flues and viruses such as COVID-19.

What You can do, You do do; So Let's Test for COVID-19

   What you can do, you do do. A vaccine likely is more than a year away. Yes, a non-vaccine treatment might be available within months.
   But, what you can do, you do do. Screening everyone we can with doctor's visits. Test for the virus as often as we can. It takes a special test kit to detect the virus. The CDC stumbled in coming up with a kit, but eventually did, and now expects to have perhaps a million in place by the end of the week. Each test kit is good for about 800 patients, I believe. That's 800 million people who can now be tested. Ramp up production of more test kits, and use the ones we now have in place.
   COVID-19 spread undetected into Washington, and it probably is spreading undetected into other states, as well. Had we test kits in place earlier, we might have discovered the virus's spread earlier and dampened it. Those patients with the disease could then be isolated, and -- once a treatment is provided in a few months -- treated.
   What you can do, you do do. Identifying the disease is almost all we can do. Let's do it.

Laws that Punish? But How about Laws Allowing Public Comment?

   They would make it punishable by jail time if an outburst disrupted a public meeting.
  "I'm just trying to bring civility, safety to public meetings," State Sen. Don Ipson said of his bill.
   I do not know that I oppose legislation against protests so significant that they prevent a public body from conducting its business.
   But, I consider that some public meetings do not provide opportunity for public input. Perhaps, whatever law is passed should loosen up the people's right to have their views presented at such meetings. What would be wrong if every meeting were opened to brief, peaceful comments from the public?

If 'Dangerous Views' can Land You in Jail, Where are We Headed?

  Should Sen. Minority Leader Chuck Schumer be punished for having, "dangerous views"?
  Consider those nations we would not want to be clumped with, and how having views the state considers, "dangerous," can result in being jailed. I, too, am concerned about how his words against two Supreme Court justices could inflame maybe even violence. But, when I hear a friend suggest there should be punishment for comments such as his, I wonder about the road we are on.

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

What did Schumer mean, 'You have Released the Whirlwind'?

   "You have released the whirlwind, and you will pay the price. You will not know what hit you if you go forward with these awful decisions." So said Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer as the court considers abortion cases. And, Schumer mentioned justices Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh by name.
   Schumer's comment is open-ended. It does not say what price Gorsuch and Kavanaugh will pay. One is left to wonder. Violence is even not outside what he left it open to mean.
   Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts noted criticizing the court is not out of line. "Justices know that criticism comes with the territory," Roberts said, "but threatening statements of this sort from the highest levels of government are not only inappropriate, the are dangerous."
   I consider whether the chief justice is right. Schumer's comment serves to inflame the pro-choice protesters. It calls them to make the justices pay a price. Secondly, it seeks to influence the court by scaring them with what could be done to them if they do not act in a way seen as correctly.
   In our day and age, seeking to unduly influence the courts is reaching a threshold where it compromises the integrity of the court. The court should be free to judge cases on their merits.
   But, I also wonder on the flip side of Chief Roberts rebuke of Schumer. I am concerned that we not reach a point where you cannot protest or criticize the government and its decisions. Now, yes, this concern is tempered by the fact Roberts did acknowledge the right to criticize.
   It would not be wrong to ask Schumer to clarify his statement, to tell us what he believes the pro-life people should do to make Gorsuch and Kavanaugh pay the price. "You will not know what hit you." What does that mean? Something that hard would seem to mean more than peaceful protesting.
   If a nation goes down the path far enough, court decisions or government decisions might some day be greeted with anarchy, revolt, and rebellion. No, I do not see Schumer's comment as leading to such action. But, how far would it go? Would the protesters camp on Gorsuch and Kavanaugh's porches, harassing them in unseemly fashion?
   And, on the flip side, we must be guard against ever drifting so far towards being an authoritarian government that that government silences its protesters. Never let us drift so far that it becomes wrong -- perhaps someday even unlawful -- to protest court or government decisions.

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

President David O. McKay Preached Against Communism

  "It looks as if Russia will have a government 'by the people, of the people, and for the people," someday-to-be-president David O. McKay told listeners at a General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
   However, he soon saw the dangers of communism, and even came to call it treason to support it.
  A famous quote by him says, "The position of this church on the subject of communism has never changed. We consider it the greatest satanical threat to peace, prosperity, and the spread of God's work among men that exists on the face of this earth."
   And so, I am left to consider on communism, to reflect on what President McKay was referring to. I would that he had specified what things are contrary to our beliefs. Perhaps, if I were to study, I should find out.
  I do know the church's message was not allowed in the Soviet Union. Freedom of religion was not allow. Freedom of conscience was challenged. What you believed -- or were entitled to believe -- was but the beliefs of the state. You worked not to better your own lot in life, but as a drone of the government. I do not know whether family life was curbed, but I understand communism can mean families are somewhat dissolved in favor of a larger, communal raising of children.
   These things I can see are wrong.

Monday, March 2, 2020

We Already have a Socialistic Health-Care System

 We say we do not want a socialistic health-care system. Well, we should mind how we already have one.
  Insurance is a form of socialism. If your bill is $100,000, and you cannot afford it, it is the socialism aspect of insurance that gets you off the hook. Others have been placing money into the common pot, as well, (shall we call it communalism?), and you can draw off their entries. What you cannot pay for, gets paid for by others. Isn't that socialism?
   It is because the capitalistic system was not working that we went to socialism. The cost of care had expanded beyond the ability of the individual to pay. So, as the individual could not pay his (or her) own way, we sought to pool everyone together, making everyone pay equal while those who could not afford the whole bill could get others to help them.
   Thus, we have socialism because capitalism was not working. This should not go unnoticed on us.

Sunday, March 1, 2020

They Would have us Turn Away from the Truth

  "If you turn off the news and talk to your neighbors, you'll find that our country is far more harmonious than you're being told." -- Rob Schneider
   Thus comes the meme across my Facebook. And, I become concerned.
    It is a message surging across Facebook the last week, my friends and family urging me to put down the news, to not listen to it. That it is all gloom and doom. That it is false. That I should be reading the scriptures instead of letting the news bother me.
   A couple hours ago, a FB friend suggested a Sunday video. I opened and listened to it. Before it and after it, there was an advertisement suggesting that the place to get the truth is not the "establishment" news, but The Epoch Times. I thought back on when I first heard of The Epoch Times, and how it has blossomed into an influential source of alternative news. People tune out the main media, and turn instead to The Epoch Times.
  That on one note I am being told to put down the news, especially the "establishment" news, and on the other note being told to pick up The Epoch Times, is of interest to me -- especially since both of these calls are coming from those on the right wing of politics.
   If Satan can get us to listen to only his voices -- if he can control the information coming into our lives -- he can control us. You will pardon me for saying, Satan. Each of us has our opinion. None of us, I would guess, are always correct. Each of us must make our own judgment. But, yes, I do believe this is the voice of Satan. To capture a person's mind, you need only to capture his (or her) audience. If Satan can get us to tune out all other messages, and listen only to him, he can control our opinions -- our thoughts.
   I watch all that is going on. I listen to the news as much as I can. I know much of it is negative toward our president. And, therein lies the lies the rub. Would you to have me turn the TV off?
   I heard what was said in the Mueller Report. I heard how Russia and others are influencing us in the social media. I am not wrong to wonder which memes and messages are ones from such sources. Now, if we know they are behind Trump, should it surprise us that they should tell us to turn off the news if the news is suggesting Trump is doing anything wrong? One plus one equals two. This makes sense.
  My friends tell me to turn off the news and to turn to the scriptures, instead. A nice touch, there, asking me to read the scriptures, instead. Of course the scriptures are more worthy. But, the insinuation that I have to choose between them is false. The ways of Satan are cunning, and I believe I am recognizing what he is doing here.
   All our lives, we have been told to be eternally vigilant. It is for moments such as this that we must.
   Read the scriptures, instead? I wonder if when I don't follow their directions, they might suggest I am blowing off the gospel.
  But, I think of the messages I have heard from church headquarters: They do not say, Turn off the news. They say, Vote. Get involved. Know the candidates. Become informed. Nowhere in those messages do I hear them telling me not to listen to the media.
  Satan can be counterfeit. He can appear to be good. So it is in our times. If we are to discern what is going on, more than ever, we must listen to the news, and reason on it. These are tender times, and the answer is not in becoming less informed, but more informed. It is not in listening only to Fox, and Rush Limbaugh, but in listening to the main media not less, but more.
   I think of a scripture that is surely speaking about false churches, and false teachers of the gospel in the last days. Still, it has a likeness to what is going on, politically. To paraphrase it (and, for all I know I am combining two separate passages), or to quote it to the best of my memory: In the last days, they will not endure sound doctrine. But, having itching ears, will heap to themselves teachers. And will be turned unto fables.
   There is a sure likeness to what is going on. We, as a people (or many of us), are not enduring sound doctrine. There are things that are sound that we turn away from, and we turn to fables, instead. We take accusations that have no more evidence than a tabloid magazine could give them, and we turn to them. We itch to hear things that speak evil of Nancy Pelosi and others. But, if those messages are not in the main media, where will we find them? We heap to ourselves teachers. Fox News and The Epoch Times have not always been around. We have heaped to ourselves teachers in these last days.
   Turning from the truth and from the main media, we have turned to our own teachers.

(Edited and altered March 3, 2020)