Friday, December 31, 2021

Athiests and Believers and the Creation

 The atheists and the believers, then, do both have the deep love for the creations now upon the earth? Are they both so prone to see a video of wild horses running in a pack and marvel at the  beauty of it?

  I suppose one could turn the question on its head. Are the atheists and believers both as prone to consider on dinosaurs and big bangs? Of course not.

Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Wisdom is not always giving advice. It's knowing when to take it.

(Index: Quotes)

Monday, December 27, 2021

Jeremiah 33:15 Fits David Ben-Gurion

 The scripture may be but speaking of David of the Old Testament. It is said, though, that some scriptures have two meanings. The passage (Jeremiah 33:15) says, "In those days," which could be a reference to the future. Perhaps if the scripture were referring to David of the Old Testament, it would say, "In this day, and at this time," instead of, "In those days, and at that time."

  The passage goes on to say, "will I cause the Branch of righteousness to grow up unto David; and he shall execute judgment and righteousness in the land." 

  The father of modern-day Israel, as he is known as, was David Ben-Gurion, the first prime minister of Israel. Jewish occupation of Israel "grew up" at that time. David Ben-Gurion was considered righteous.

  Whether the passage was referring to Ben-Gurion, we may not know. Perhaps not. But, it is interesting, the same.

Sunday, December 26, 2021

Six Day War Should Witness to Us the Truth of the Bible

    We should wonder if the Six Day War was not a miracle in our life time that showed the bare arm of the Lord in changing world history and protecting his chosen people. The war returned Jerusaleum to Israeli hands for the first time in nearly two thousand years, 

   The armed forces of Egypt, Syria and Jordan rattled their sabres, threatening not just to attack Israel, but to wipe it entirely away. The three countries with their armies virtually surrounded Israel, making their victory all the more seemingly assured.

    But, Israel prepared a pre-emptive attack, striking before the Egyptian, Syrian and Jordanian war machinery could even get started. The Israelis outmaneuvered the massively more equipped Egyptians, Syrians and Jordanians.

   Was ancient Old Testament scripture fulfilled? Wherein it says: "Behold, I will make Jerusalem a cup of trembling unto all the people round about, when they shall in siege both against Judah and against Jerusalem. And in that day I will make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people; all that burden themselves with it shall be cut in pieces, though all the people of the earth be gathered together against it." (Zechariah 12:2-3)

  So, he prophecy is in the Old Testament, documented. And, then in our day, it was fulfilled. What the Old Testament said would happen, happened. It is hard to argue against facts. This should stand to each of us as a witness there is a God. 

Saturday, December 25, 2021

Such Studies Have Been Done

  Was I wrong? We need doctors to learn of the death of their patients. I wondered but what the patients no fall out of contact with their doctors, and pass away without the doctors even knowing about it. "There is a big void in our medical system. No accountability come time of death"

   I was thinking much on anti-vaxxers, and how this information might benefit their argument. I wanted the truth told and if if came down on the side of the anti-vaxxers, then let it be.

   Since then, I have heard of some studies. So, I may have been wrong in suggesting no such studies have been done.

 The speed to heaven is never the same, but the arrival is always on time.

(Index: Quotes)

Thursday, December 23, 2021

We Should Consider Throwing Out the Stock Market System

    There is a major weakness created by a stock market system. With more than one owner at the top, all the owners desire a comfortable profit. They do nothing to create the product. The don't advertise and market it. They don't make it better in any way. They just stand at the top and demand a profit. All of them. If there are fifty, that's 50 people expecting to make a profit off the product.

   We would do well to consider throwing the stock market system out the window and consider other means of raising capital for the ventures. 

Wednesday, December 22, 2021

 If you think that you're perfect, that's proof that you're not.

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This isn't Even Being Done; It Should be

 What we need are people who report the death of their loved ones to their doctor. This isn't even being done. What we need are coroners who report the cause of death to the doctors.

   There is a big void in our medical system. No accountability come time of death. The doctor works and fights to keep the patient alive, but then isn't even in the loop to find out if the patient died.

Tuesday, December 21, 2021

 Dance with your fears and they will spin you away.

(Index; Quotes)

Each Death is a Teardrop

  In China, alone, 29,700 people die each day. 

  And, at the Sandy Rehabilitation Center, today, just one death that I am aware of, Loa Davenport. Of all the thousands who die in the world each day, the meaning, the loss, the realness you do not feel until it is someone you know.

   I visited with Loa Sunday. I anointed in advance of the blessing given by our branch president. Liver failure. Even as I wondered about my own possible death, there before me laid someone who was really dying -- dying in front of my very eyes. You see such a death upfront, and your heart stretches out to that soul. Then, you think of the thousands and thousands who die each day. You think of the pain each one suffers as their death approaches them. Though you don't know their stories like you know that of Loa Davenport, each one of them is a Loa Davenport

    Bless them. Bless them one and all. 

Monday, December 20, 2021

The U.S. Teeters On the Verge of Civil War

   Yes, the U.S. is closer to civil war than most would like to believe. It is teetering on the verge of one. 

   How would the Trumpites go about it? Would they somehow pull of a repeat of Jan. 6? Would they take to the Capitol as lawmakers gather and allow in only those backing Trump? Would they fill the other seats with those who do back Trump?

    Would they attack the state capitals? Using the same tactic -- seating the pro-Trumpers, disqualifying the non-Trumpers and replacing them with pro-Trumpers.

   However they might do it, the threat is real. 

   A forthcoming book from Barbara F. Walter sets forth the premise that the U.S. is closer to a civil war than most would like to believe. There are among us, though, those who have long seen the danger.

The Best of Champions Relish Those Last-Minute Shots

   The best of champions steel themselves against a bad performance. They know what they have done and believe they can do it again. Last-minute shots? They relish them. They do not crack under pressure.

   They also act on instinct. They don't have time to calculate is someone will steel the ball. They react to the moment by finding a way to get the job done.

Sunday, December 19, 2021

Magnus Faces Study Against Him Like No Previous Champion Has

   Magnus Carlsen perhaps faces greater opposition than any other world champion in the history of the game. 

   Computers. His opponents plug in the moves he makes and supply his opponents valuable wisdom in how the opponents should play against him. While it is true that the more recent world champions before him also suffered from such opposition, Magnus has faced it the worst. He has won the championship five straight times, but that long tenure means the opponents have had eight years (he won the title in 2013) to pour over his play.

   In trying to reduce the effectiveness of their study against him, Magnus plays a wide range of openings, and looks to insert surprise moves.

   It remains, though, that of all the world champions, none of the others have had their games so studied by the opposition.

 Humility makes many friends, while pride draws it's enemies.

(Index: Quotes)

 If you dance with your fears, they will spin you away.

(Index: Quotes)

Friday, December 17, 2021

We Should be Studying to Find Out

    The Covid vaccination: We need to know if there are harms from it. We have contract tracers. We need them also to trace the health of those months after they were vaccinated.

    And, when people die, the coroner should look back at how long ago it was that they received the vaccination. 

   Someone pointed out to me that when I went into the hospital with heart failure eight months ago, it was just weeks after receiving the first Pfizer shot. It made me think.

   One way or the other -- whether the vaccination can be harmful or not -- we should be studying to find out. 

Wednesday, December 15, 2021

A New Santa Who Reminds Us of the Gifts the Christ Child Gave Us

  Sunny Side Santa was born on Christmas Day. They named him that because they knew he would one day become a Santa. And, being born on a tropical island, well, that's where the "Sunny Side" part comes in. 

  Never head of him? Well, I suspect you shortly will. He's in his teens now, and I'm thinking he might be ready to be the new Santa. Oh, he will never replace Santa Claus. Santa Claus is Santa Claus, and you can't replace him. He'll be coming down your chimney, same as usual. 

   But, Sunny Side Santa?  He'll just knock on your door. You'll look behind him to see what he drove up in and, well, you'll see a flying saucer parked in your driveway, hoovering off the ground. No reindeer on the roof this time. Oh, and no red suit with all that white trim. This Santa will be dressed more like Peter Pan than anything else. How else would you expect someone from a tropical island to dress?

   Now, whereas Santa Claus comes on the 25th, Sunny Side Santa will come on Christmas Eve, a step ahead of the other Santa. And, his presents will surprise you. All the boxes will be about six inches by six inches. They'll have nothing but a piece of paper inside.

   What's written on those pieces of paper will be the surprise. Little notes. Little notes pointing our some of the blessings the Christ Child brought with him when he came to this earth. Maybe, one will say, "The gift of eternal life," and another "Families can be united forever." Some will just quote a scripture from the Gospels telling about something about his birth. Others will be scriptures portraying all the good he did while here -- healing the sick and such.

  Christmas is really about the Savior, about all the gifts to mankind that unfolded as a result of his being born and coming to earth. Sunny Side Santa will show us what those gifts were. Be lucky, and hope he leaves a couple dozen of his little boxes with you. They'll be boxed in the finest of boxes with the finest of gift wrap, and the finest of bows and ribbons. The paper inside will be of the finest, glittering and pleasing to look at. These are gifts worthy of the finest wrappings.

   Now, don't worry if Christmas isn't about Christ to you. Sunny Side Santa will skip your house, then. But, just remember you're going to miss out on seeing the flying saucer parked in front of your house. And, you'll miss out on seeing this Peter Pan-type person knocking on your door. And, you'll miss out on his waving his wand at you, sparkle and glitter a flying everywhere.

   And, as his flying saucer leaves, he'll be leaning out, still waving his magic wand, yelling, "Merry Christmas to all. On all of you may good will and peace fall." 

Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Perhaps Mark Meadows Would Serve Himself Best by Pleading the Fifth

    Perhaps Mark Meadows would best serve himself by pleading the Fifth. There may be more damaging communications than what he has released -- damaging to him.

   If there are emails, text messages, or whatever that show both he and the president stirred up the rioters, or participated in the organization of them, or were in contact with the Proud Boys or Oath Keepers, then, pleading the Fifth would be within his rights. 

Monday, December 13, 2021

MAGA Followers Should Realize the Gravity of Supporting the Coup

   "These texts leave no doubt," Wyoming Rep. Liz Cheney said. "The White House knew exactly what was happening at the Capitol." 

   For a while, former Chief of Staff Mark Meadows was cooperating with investigators. During that spell, he turned over to the House select committee investigating the January 6 Capitol attack a PowerPoint setting forth ways to stage a coup.

   Truth may not be heard when the listeners have already made up their minds. But, it should. The MAGA followers should sit back and realize the gravity of planning an attack on the Capitol in order to bring a coup.  

Sunday, December 12, 2021

It Would be Humane to Foot the Bill to Get Them Across Mexico

   Prosecute the smugglers responsible for the truck in Mexico loaded with immigrants, most believed to have been Guatemalans? Bring them up on murder charges, for the deaths of the 55 who lost their lives?

   Perhaps so. I do wonder how much they were profiting, how much money they made off the immigrants.

   Now, here's a trick: My understanding is that many of the survivors are in so-called "safe houses" -- ran by the smugglers, no less. What's up with that? You say you are in solidarity with the survivors, as a government, then instead of finding housing for them, you leave them in the hands of the smugglers?

   There should be no such need for the smugglers. Cross them out of the equation and things are much better off. If you care about these immigrants crossing your land -- if you see they are in danger and you want to remove them from danger, -- YOU provide their transportation across your country. Call it what you will. Ask why the government should pay the bill. The answer is that when their are human crises in any part of the world, a bill is footed to help them. Often, the United States provides that assistance.

   Not only should the Mexican government step up, but so should the U.S. They come seeking the American Dream. Let's help them. They come seeking an escape from the crime and poverty and such in their own countries. Let's help them. They come to join family members already in the U.S. Let's help them. 

Thursday, December 9, 2021

The 53 Could be Alive If We Extended a Hand of Care

   Of that truck crash in Chiapas, Mexico, that killed at least 53 and left many others injured.

  If we were more compassionate to the immigrants, this would not need to happen. If we welcomed them to our country, saying, Yes, ours is the land of the free, of course you are welcome. Come to join your families. Come to live in the land of liberty. Come to the land of opportunity. Please come.

   What if we provided them safe transportation across Mexico? These 53 people would be alive today. There is nothing wrong with their coming. And, nothing wrong with a hand of care being extended to get them here safely,

Monday, December 6, 2021

 Do I have strength enough to write this? I am dying. Nor would it seem to be anything my readers would care to read. But, it is something I should record, along with the other miracles in my life.

A few years ago, I entered the freeway to, I suppose, go to work. A Coke advertisement came on the radio. Over the radio, I heard the words of the slogan at the very second I passed a billboard saying the very same words. I heard and read them in perfect unison.

Friday, December 3, 2021

A Form-Fitting Wrap to Preserve the Freshness of that Chocolate Cake

    . . . Or, just put your cake in an airtight container. Yesterday, I suggested a humidifier-type container. But, perhaps if the cake is kept airtight, no humidifier is necessary. Even an airtight container, though, has some air in it. 

    How about a wrap, closing so tight, no air is next to the loaf of bread, completely locking the bread in from air? This would be an invention, too. Your wrap would be form-fitting. If you had a loaf of bread, it would fit firmly around the loaf. If you had a crust-covered pie, the wrap would form-fit around the pie. Pies with toppings and cakes with icings might be more problematic, but perhaps the wrap might also also work on them.

Kyle Rittenhouse Appreciation day in SLC Needs a Quiet Response

     The Proud Boys, along with other right-wing militia groups, have put together a "Kyle Rittenhouse Appreciation" rally for tomorrow here in Salt Lake City. Of course, it would be possible that those disappointed Rittenhouse was acquitted of all charges could have prepared a counter protest.

   Here's hoping they didn't. Here's hoping there will be no counter protest. America is divided enough.

   But, that doesn't mean those disapproving of the acquittals shouldn't let their viewpoints be known. Without rancor, without tearing Rittenhouse down, they could flood the media with letters to the editor, simply saying they belief the acquittals were not justified. If they did have a protest, keep it well away from the one the Proud Boys are planning. And, keep it low-key, no speeches or signs calling Rittenhouse names or demeaning him.

   This is America. We need to disagree without being disagreeable. We don't need to fan the flames of division and hatred towards each other.

Thursday, December 2, 2021

This Invention Would Keep Your Chocolate Cake Moist

   Here's an invention you think they'd get around to making: A humidifier so your left-over cake doesn't dry up. You have a big enough container and it emits steam, keeping bread, pies, or whatever moist. Why hasn't someone come up with this?

Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Richard and Curtis Leave no Question a Young Fetus is a Person

    While the Supreme Court readies a decision in Dobbs vs. Jackson Women's Health Organization, one wonders if the one-year anniversary of another event in the abortion debate isn't bigger than the High Court's upcoming ruling.

   A baby named Richard Hutchinson was born 131 days premature. Another baby, Curtis Means, was born 132 days premature -- that means they were born just 21 weeks into the pregnancies. Both weighed just ounces and fitted into the palms of their mothers' hands. 

   Can a fetus survive if it born so early? Richard and Curtis prove it can. They were not only born way early, but did not die once they were born. They claimed their spot in the Guinness World Records, with Curtis holding the title by a day.

   Richard and Curtis's cases not only add fire supporting Dobbs in the Dobbs vs. Jackson case, but are significant in their own right. Abortion activists have argued that a baby's humanity starts with the capability to survive outside the womb. Well, how about Richard and Curtis being born 131 and 132 days premature? This is evidence enough that a fetus so far removed from normal birth time is a person and a human and a living being. This leaves no question about it.