Sunday, December 12, 2021

It Would be Humane to Foot the Bill to Get Them Across Mexico

   Prosecute the smugglers responsible for the truck in Mexico loaded with immigrants, most believed to have been Guatemalans? Bring them up on murder charges, for the deaths of the 55 who lost their lives?

   Perhaps so. I do wonder how much they were profiting, how much money they made off the immigrants.

   Now, here's a trick: My understanding is that many of the survivors are in so-called "safe houses" -- ran by the smugglers, no less. What's up with that? You say you are in solidarity with the survivors, as a government, then instead of finding housing for them, you leave them in the hands of the smugglers?

   There should be no such need for the smugglers. Cross them out of the equation and things are much better off. If you care about these immigrants crossing your land -- if you see they are in danger and you want to remove them from danger, -- YOU provide their transportation across your country. Call it what you will. Ask why the government should pay the bill. The answer is that when their are human crises in any part of the world, a bill is footed to help them. Often, the United States provides that assistance.

   Not only should the Mexican government step up, but so should the U.S. They come seeking the American Dream. Let's help them. They come seeking an escape from the crime and poverty and such in their own countries. Let's help them. They come to join family members already in the U.S. Let's help them. 

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