Friday, August 5, 2022

Create What We Shall Call 'Citizen Bonds'

   "If you can sell, you'll never be unemployed," Mark Cuban once said, expressing the sentiment that there will always be a need for sales people.
   Right now, America could use some good sales people.
   . . . To sell U.S. Savings Bonds (and, also U.S. Treasury Securities), or, more correctly, what we shall call "U.S. Citizen Bonds." Citizen Bonds would differ from Savings Bonds in that you could not cash them out at will. 
   Consider that foreign interests loan us money so we can pay our operating expenses. Consider that rich, American tycoons also lend us money. Wherever all it comes from, there are negatives: You don't want foreign money paying your bills, you don't want the rich to own your country, etc.
   Letting citizens assume the debt would go a long away towards reducing the national debt. If citizens knew they would not be reimbursed until our expenses were paid, they would be more indignant that the government not run up the bill. Their outcry would scare the polticians from making unwise allotments. If they wanted to be re-elected, they would have to listen to this will of the people.
  You might ask why citizens would want to buy the bonds to begin with. They would buy the bonds because they want to help our country. Most Americans do want the nation to succeed. Most of them would be glad to help. If they all pitched in just a little -- even just $100 a person -- it would make a significant differnce. And, since small amounts per citizen are enough to make a difference, put a cap on how much each citizen can buy -- say $10,000 -- that locks out the rich from buying up to many of the bonds.
   And, you might also ask why we would not give these bonds maturity dates. Answer: Our national debt will take decades to pay off, if you do not have a maturity date and they cannot be redeemed until our debt is gone, they will not extend long enough to get the job accomplished.
   As the money from the new bonds come in, let it pay off the bills to the other creditors. Get them off the books as reasonably soon as you can.
   The American heart -- the heart of its citizens -- is honorable. Let that heart beat. Let it make a difference. 

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