I ask those I run into about the Kavanaugh confirmation. Perhaps the most common reply questions Ford's timing. Why did she wait 36 years? Why did she sit on it?
I would wonder, what does it prove that she "sat" on it? Does that somehow prove or somehow even indicate it isn't true? If someone assaulted you, and you learned they were up for the Supreme Court, wouldn't you feel a little bit of an obligation to come forward? Wouldn't you be saying, "Wait a minute. You might want to know this before confirming him"?
This is the most natural of times for her to come forward, not an unnatural one.
Of late, I have thought much on the thinking of man -- the reasoning process. I seems, when we want to believe something, we search for and latch on to "reasons," even if the reasons make no sense or have no substance or don't apply. I do so believe this is what is going on with the argument that since Ford sat on it, it makes Kavanaugh okay.
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