Saturday, June 18, 2011

Story of Day is About Saving Us $8 Billion

If I were to pick one story off the page from Friday's news, as the story of the day, the most important . . .

. . . perhaps I'd pick the one about Attorney General Eric Holder announcing that over the past two years, $8 billion in welfare fraud has been returned to government coffers.

Not a small thing, to me, that they collected so much. This is exactly what we are screaming at our government to do -- stop the fraud -- and we should be appreciative and complimentary when stops are found. More, we should be shouting, "Yes! Yes! Yes!" to cheer our leaders on.

If we as a people were to respond with a big thanks, it might encourage even more fraud finding.  Folks are rising up in rebellion with what they don't like about government, and that can bring change, but so can encouragement. We should be a grateful people, and a grateful people, and acknowledge good when it is found.

Slap somebody on the back when they do a good thing -- even if it is the government.
The web story is at:

The Health and Human Services website has a contact link at the bottom of its home page. One way to contact the Department of Justice, to thank it, is at

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