Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Sin has become a Freedom

I grew up in a day when sin was not considered a freedom, and have lived long enough to witness it becoming a basic right.

The freedom to gamble, to prostitute, to view pornography, to take drugs, to drink before driving, to view pornography, to marry someone of the same sex, to produce and play violent video games -- these are the freedoms of our day.

And should they, then, indeed, be freedoms? That is not to say we are condoning these things, but only to say we are allowing people the liberty to make such choices as they will.

I do have mixed feelings.

If you remember my past blogs, you know I have wondered if alcohol deserves more restrictions. Is it all or none? To be consistent, must I then condemn them all? Or, if we believe one of the items deserves to be a freedom, to be consistent, must we make freedoms of them all?

I think it not wrong to consider them individually, but can also see the argument for sweeping them all into one box and deciding them all together.

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