Thursday, December 13, 2018

Of Balaam and the Angel and being Sensitive to the Spirit

   Sensitive to the spirit? I can tell you one way I think we can be sensitive to the spirit. When something is told to us, or when a news fact come up, we can ignore it, or we can consider it. If learning the truth can take being sensitive to it, is not this part of the spirit of revelation? There may be more ways to be sensitive to the spirit, and let prophets and such go there. But, us? We as individuals are also entitled to personal revelation. And, it follows that if we are to get any, we must follow the processes that bring it.
   If you hear of a statistic, it may be to one person meaningless. But, if a person is listening to the still small voice, so to speak, he will consider on that statistic. If you hear of a circumstance, or learn of a story or an event, to one person it might be meaningless and no conclusion is drawn from that event. To another, who listens, there is something to be learned.
   The story of Balaam and the Angel, in the Bible, to me is one of the most instructive stories on revelation. Balaam went to the Lord, taking the king's plea that the Israelites be harmed. Now, the truth should have been obvious to Balaam: The Lord was not going to curse his own people.
   Even so it is with us. There are things in the events that pass before us that should be obvious. But, like Balaam, we can be blind to them. We might be listening so much to our friends and the talk of the world that we are not even open to the truth.
   Balaam's dumb donkey saw the swordsman in the pass. But Balaam, himself, was blind. Even so it is with us. We might think to castigate those who would tell us the truth, even as Balaam thought to punish his donkey, but it might be that our anger is against that which is right.


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