Thursday, January 3, 2019

In a Democracy, is this as Close as it gets to Shutting Down the Press?

    A dictator shuts down the press. In a democracy, though, you cannot outlaw a free press.  But, you can seek to discredit it. You can lobby with the public to not listen to it. You can shout that it is full of lies.
    "Don't listen to them. Listen only to me."
   I have long had a saying: Truth doesn't run from knowledge. I think of President Trump, and how he fights against the press, and how this amounts to running from knowledge.
   The mass media has many members. I do not doubt they influence each other. I do not doubt there can be a pack mentality. But, they remain many voices. And, I see in them people who seek the truth, who want to tell the truth. Would we silence the mass of their voices to listen only to the few who remain in good favor with government?
   If you say, "Don't belief in the mass media," what are you saying? Those in the media strive for honesty and integrity. Why the crusade against them? What is it about the press, that prompts Donald Trump to campaign against it?
   Now, if the media members are saying good things about you, you aren't going to try to shut them down. But, if they dare say something bad? Should you then lobby the people not to believe them?
   It should not go unnoticed on us, then, that Trump is fighting a press that is not saying all warm and fuzzy things about him.
   If a nation is ruled by a king, no voice of criticism is allowed. "Hail the king," is the only voice. In America, though, it doesn't work that way. So, in America, if you are to try to silence the press, how far can you go?
     This might be about as close as you can get.

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