Friday, April 30, 2021

Yes, Fallacies of Logic Should be a School Subject

    Argument could be made --good argument -- that the fallacies of logic should be added to school curriculum. Some might even suggest it about as important of a topic as there is.

   Consider then, if it is true. Consider that most every politician, most every pundit, most every person discussing the affairs of our nation is guilty of breaking the rules of logic. Some do it every time they open their mouths, and others only sparingly. But few stay completely within the rules. 

   Consider that truth would be easier to discern for all of us, if pundits and commentators played by the rules. Consider that a good part of incivility would disappear. Call it peace, isn't that worth something? Consider that when politicians did try to get away with false logic, we would recognize it and hold them accountable. Consider that we would elect better officials. Consider it would help tear us from the Republican/Democrat divide. If we were trained in logical thinking, we could decide who we would vote for based on facts, instead of rhetoric. 

   Yes, these things are as important as knowing how to construct a sentence, as important as knowing how to figure percentages without using your iPhone. They are as important as biology or world history.

    Yes, fallacies of logic should be a school subject. 

1 comment:

  1. I agree! Geometry actually is a good subject for this purpose.
