Monday, August 30, 2021

Bumper Cars to the Rescue

    Bumper cars to save the environment? It's a thought, and one we should consider. At amusement parks, the cars are attached to a cable that runs overhead, providing them electrical propulsion.

   Having a whole city with a cable overhead, that attaches to their cars and converts them to electric vehicles, might seem a little much. Indeed, installing the electric propulsion system in every car in a city seems a very daunting. 

   It remains a thought, though. And, I am not ready to let it go. Converting one of our cities to this, to see if it would work, might take some effort, but it could be done. Our environment and the dangers we are facing should make us want to look at the various things we might do as climate change becomes a bigger and bigger concern.

   If Utah were to do this, would it even have enough electrical power available? My understanding is that the existing power plants might be close to being maxed out. Could we put solar panels above the electric cable lines?

   The bumper cars have a cable or some such that comes down to power the cars. How would we design this? And, like I say, how would we finance converting all the cars to bumper cars? Or, would we have to? Could we leave it so some (maybe most) cars could be free from the system, while those car owners who chose to participate could do so?

(Index -- Climate change info)


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