Friday, May 12, 2023

Take Bitcoin and Bankers and Toss Them in Jail

   It's time to get serious about these phishermen and reel them in. The scams are a $2.7 billion industry in the United States, and it's time to wash them out to sea.

   Could we not make it a law that Bitcoin and others -- including banks -- cannot transfer money unless both the source and the destination of the money are traceable? If you transfer money illegally, you go straight to jail.

   It is the scammers we think to go after when someone gets away with $10,000. Natural enough. But, they wouldn't be getting away with it time after time after time if someone wasn't making it so dang easy for them.

  They wouldn't get away if the system weren't so accommodating. Firms that move the money for them could almost be considered accomplices. Aiding and abetting does not fall far from what they are doing. 

  If we send the middlemen to jail for being so helpful to criminals, wouldn't that bring the fraud to a screeching halt? Make it the law that if you, as the company carrying out the transaction and moving the money, cannot identify the person sending the money and the person receiving the money (yes, the person, as well as the entity) by name, address and phone number, then you are guilty of a felony. You move the money, you do the time. Welcome to a not-so-luxurious jail cell, bankers. 

  May these scammers never see landfall again. 

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