Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Hold Mike Johnson Responsible for Obstruction of Justice

Isn't this obstruction of justice? House Speaker Mike Johnson says footage from the Jan. 6 attack will be blurred to protect the rioters from being charged with crimes. 

You will say, Wait, wait, wait. It isn't that Republicans want to protect the participants from legal action -- the DOJ already has access to the unblurred images -- it just wants to protect the participants from retaliation from the radical liberal left.

Really? we must ask. Online sleuths have already been extremely helpful in identifying Jan. 6 participants, using footage they have been able to access to identify the rioters. That information has been turned over to the DOJ to help with the prosecution. Don't throw a ruse at us by supposing you only want to protect the rioters from return violence. Your deceit as to what you are trying to protect is clear.

Obstruction of justice includes influencing, impeding, and interfering with the wheels of justice. Mike Johnson might want to throw a wrench into the justice system, but he is legally and morally wrong for doing so.

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