Sunday, February 11, 2024

Long Ago, there was the Age of Civility; Now we have the Age of Ridicule


If you respect freedom of speech, why ridicule those who practice it?

In the 2020s, we have fully arrived at the Age of Ridicule, a day when demeaning each other seems to be the only form of political discussion we know, a day when you don't need to offer reason, and can reject the other person's words simply by telling them to quit listening to the main stream media.

Attack the other person, call them an idiot (or worse). No need to be civil, because this is not the Age of Civility; it is the Age of Ridicule. Personal attacks rule where reason once was required.

"I may disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it," is the famous quote falsely attributed to Voltaire (his biographer, Evelyn Beatrice Hall, actually coined the quote). Many a soldier has gone to war, knowing they might die defending the freedoms of others, including the freedom of speech.

When they come home, are they proud to be able to say that they fought for the right of others to be idiots? Do they turn to someone whose political beliefs are different than theirs and say, "I fought for your right to be an idiot. I fought so you could maintain your ignorance and stupidity."

With freedom, comes responsibility. But too often, it is freedom alone that is practiced, not responsibility. We are free to trash others, condemn them, ridicule them, and despise and hate them -- so we do. That's our freedom; that's our right.

But we disabuse the First Amendment in doing so. We take that which is good and convert it into a tool for evil. We take no thought that we are being hurtful. Since when is calling another person an imbecile hurtful? we ask. No, I'm just calling a spade a spade, we say. If you don't want to be a stupid, idiotic imbecile, quit acting like one. That's on you, you derelict SO_.

The Age of Reason has given way to the Age of Mocking, the Age of Civility to the Age of Ridicule. We are not a better nation for this. The decline of a nation comes from its loss of morals.

The soldiers and patriots who respect America, respect its values. They respect each other. All God's children have worth, and they treat each other that way. If you respect freedom of speech, you don't disrespect those who practice it.

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