Monday, February 19, 2024

Save the Gazans by Moving Them to Other Parts of Israel


Would seem there is an easy solution in Gaza, a way to save the masses while clearing the land so you can bomb the land three times over to kill every Hamas. (Pardon if that sounds harsh, but my understanding is that you do want every Hamas  relegated to death.)

Yes, there is a way -- and it's simple enough.

Move the Gazans to another part of Israel. No, I didn't say herd them like you've been doing. I didn't say just tell them they have to go somewhere else and let them figure it out. Help them. Bring in the moving vans. Pack them. Give them a ride. If they've already lost all their possessions (who did that to them -- or did they ever have many personal possessions?), that simplifies it. Get them all bus tickets and send them on their way.

But, be waiting for them when they get to the other end. You aren't just going to dump them there with no home, no place to go, no way to survive. So, you say, it is going to be difficult to come up with lodging for so many? After all, what are there -- a million and a half? Two million? Maybe that helps you understand the tragedy they've faced in Gaza, as you've herded them from one end of the land to the other without thought for their food and shelter.

Now, where did you say you will put them? The West Bank? That certainly is an option. Or do you want to place them somewhere else? Find any place within Israel -- any place you like. Remember, you don't need to provide permanent lodging, not if you are eventually going to let them move back to Gaza.

You can ask the neighboring countries if they will take them. We already know the answer to that. Unless they change their minds, the answer is no. Egypt as we speak is clamoring against the prospects the Gazans could end up there. It is threatening you with consequences if you allow that.

Now, the fair question of whether the Hamas will pose as civilians. We did say you want to wipe them out, didn't we? And, how will that be possible if they slip into the costume of the civilians and escape? 


It does bring up the question of whether you are also set on killing the Gazans, themselves. If you can't tell the civilians and the Hamas apart, is there the temptation to kill every last one that appears to have a chance of being a being or becoming a Hamas. Children grow up, sometimes becoming Hamas. Mothers give birth to those who could grow up and become Hamas. Do you already want them all -- children and women included -- dead? Genocide, is it? 

Simply answered, you've said that is not your goal. Did you mean it?

Interview them. Use your intelligence sources to find lists of Hamas soldiers. Go with the bright thought that if you don't mistreat them like you are now, they won't need to grow up to be Hamas. Heap love on them. Your fellow humanity deserves that much regardless whether it is smart to play to their favor.


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