Everyone Wants a Piece of Me
"Everyone wants a piece of me"
The old city said with a sigh
Then she sat down on a rock
And she began to cry
"There are the Jews
They are here with me
But there are two others
And that means there are three"
Calling You Home
Calling you now
The land of your fathers
The land of your vow
Israel awaits you
Its borders are yours
If you must, come in canoes
Paddling the oars
Come in the night
Or come in the day
But return to the land
Of your fathers, I say
The Jewel of Two Nations
The only city in the world
Where two different nations
Claim rule
Each names Jerusalem
As its capital
Each picks it as its jewel
The Ancient City
The ancient city, the old city
I suppose it's been called both
Five thousand years and counting
The city of God's oath
Destroyed at least twice
Besieged 23 times
Captured and recaptured
As war breathed within its confines
Golden stone buildings
And breathtaking sights
A beautiful place
With historical sites
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